Associate Justice Yamie Gbeisay: “Judges, Justices Are Battlefield Commanders Of The Judiciary”


His Honor Judge Yamie Quiqui Gbeisay, the recently commissioned Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, was on Friday, January 27, 2023 admitted to the Supreme Court Bar, the highest court in the country.

   Making remarks during the program, Associate Justice Gbeisay stated that they, as judges or justices, are battlefield commanders of the Judiciary, noting that they must be prepared to take the bullets.

  Judge Gbiesay said he has come to the Yuoh’s bench to maximize its efficiency and productivity, and to administer justice and enhance the rule of law.

    “The traditional role of the Judiciary is the maintenance of democratic governance. A credible Judiciary instills trust and confidence and encourages residents to seek redress in the court of law,” he said.

   He said the characteristics of a judge or justice is to be brave, knowledgeable, disciplined, courageous, passionate and dedicated to the task. He added that promotion or success has so many elements: networking, political or social contacts, etc., but admitted that promotion is tied heavily to a person’s intellectual ability and performance.

   According to him, this is so because of their analysis and understanding of their function, and most importantly their integrity. Perhaps, he said, integrity is the most significant element that a judge or justice ought to possess.

  He said in Liberia everybody wants crimes to be penalized and corruption eliminated, but when crimes are being tried in court, the accused usually has a cheering squad that may be a beneficiary of the crime, chanting slogans for him before the courtroom. “When somebody is convicted of corruption by a court, his kinsmen and supporters vilify the judge and set roadblocks,” he stated.

       He reminded the members of the National Bar Association (LBA) of the words of the late Chief Justice Gbalazeh: “The legal profession should be looked upon as a divine calling to serve mankind for the glory of the Almighty God rather than as an easy means to accumulate wealth. Fortune comes and goes, but good name remains forever,” he said.

   Meanwhile, during the program sixty four (64)  attorneys-at-law were admitted  into the Supreme Court Bar.

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