Association Of Prophets, Prophetic Churches 3rd Annual Confab Opens

The third annual conference of the Association of Prophets and Prophetic Churches, Inc. (APPCI) has officially opened in the country.
The APPCI annual conference is being convened at the Church of the Lord, Evangelical Ministries Brewerville Sub-International Headquarters, Montserrado County, Liberia, West Africa.
According to the Third Annual Conference Chairman of the APPCI, Ven./Eld. Deacon A. Tamba Gborie, I, the conference, which runs from Monday, February 1, 2021 to Sunday, February 7, 2021, is being observed under the theme, “Divine Intervention”, Esther 7:5—10.
Ven/Eld. Deacon Gborie, I, President and Caretaker of Church of the Lord, Evangelical Ministries (CLEM/APPCI), disclosed that delegates at the on-going annual conference are from Nimba, Montserrado, Lofa and Grand Bassa counties, among others, while some international clergymen, members of Christian churches and well-wishers are said to be in attendance at the conference.
An open air preaching, the President’s welcome speech, bedtime prayer, morning service, devotion and business session, stated Ven./Eld. Deacon Gborie, will characterize the observance of the APPCI third conference, which is said to be in full-swing at CLEM edifice in Brewersville, outskirts of Monrovia.
Already, Ven./Eld. Deacon Gborie explained in an exclusive interview at the CLEM edifice that the committees on church reports, Secretariat, Resolution, lodging/feeding, finance/ways and means, publicity/communication, chaplaincy and transportation/mobility as well as security/Guard service and President welcome statement have been constituted for the successful hosting of the annual conference.
A lecture on the topic, “The Aladura/Prophet Church and its Activities in Liberia: A Brief Study from Biblical Perspective”, will be presented by Ven./Eld. Deacon A. Tamba Gborie; Budget Preparation and Internal Control lecture will be done by Lukesman Ola; Topic on Self-Improvement and Financial Discipline in the service of God is expected to be presented by David S. Suah, the Hot Pepper was told.
Other presentations, added the conference Chairman, include working as a team in building the house of God, which will be delivered by Deaconess (Mother) Lucia B. Paygar. A topic on Women Business in Ministry will be done by Atty. Theresa M. Davies, while a topic on Divine Blessing and its effects will be given by Rev. Stephen K. Gborie, Youth President, CLEM.
Other issues to be discussed, voiced Ven./Eld. Deacon Gborie, are the reading of the conference 2020 minutes and its adoption, relationship with CL-Liberia Province, ties with CL-Int’l Headquarters-Nigeria, education/training of Ministers/Disciples, preparation to the Holy Mount Tarbieorral Site, among others.
In his opening remarks during the kick-off of the 3rd annual conference, Ven./Eld. Deacon A. Tamba Gborie said delegates and the clerics are to intercede for peace in Liberia and the winning of lost souls for Christ Jesus in the wake of COVID-19 Pandemic.
At the same time, Ven./Eld. Deacon Gborie is calling on all delegates at the conference to give in their best and be participatory in the conference discussions for its successful outcome. The annual conference is expected to close this Sunday with a Divine and Thanksgiving Service.