Asst. Minister Bah Addresses Second Session Of UN-Habitat Thursday


The Assistant Minister for Urban Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Abubakar Bah, is expected to address the second session of UN-Habitat on Thursday, June 8, 2023 as it regards the progress made thus far in the formulation of a National Urban Policy for Liberia.

   The second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly is being held from June 5—9, 2023 in Nairobi. Kenya, under the theme, “A Sustainable Urban Future through Inclusive and Effective Multilateralism: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Times of Global Crises”. The assembly was declared opened by H.E. William Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya, on Monday.

   As the governance body of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat), the United Nations Habitat Assembly convenes every four years. It is the highest global decision-making body on sustainable urbanization and human settlements.

   The 193 UN member states cast the votes, while participants include non-member states, other UN bodies and specialized agencies, as well as intergovernmental organizations, civil society, private sector, academia and research institutions, women, youth and children, and grassroots organizations.

   Thematic debates and discussions during the assembly focus on universal access to affordable housing, urban climate action, urban crises recovery, localization of the SDGs and prosperity and local finance.

   Liberia is represented by Assistant Minister Bah, who attended the inaugural edition of the United Nations Habitat Assembly in May 2019.

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