Bishop Dennis T. Aggrey: “CRCA Provides Solutions To Liberia”


The Christian Revival Church Association (CRCA), an indigenous body of Christ established in Liberia years ago, and it partners have noted that they are operating in the country to provide solutions to issues affecting the livelihood of the citizenry.

   Recently, CRCA and partners embarked on a number of initiatives geared toward providing assistance to rural dwellers.

   During the just-ended initiatives, hundreds of rural dwellers in Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount counties benefited from free medical treatment and skills development.

   A team of medical doctors and nurses from the United States of America, in partnership with CRCA, conducted a week-long free medical service for hundreds of Liberians.

   Usually, November of each year the medical doctors and nurses come to Liberia and provide free medical services to underprivileged Liberians.  The foreign doctors and nurses, in partnership with CRCA staff, provide treatment for several complications confronting the daily lives of Liberians, ranging from malaria infection to typhoid and other diseases.

   At the same time, CRCA and partners used the occasion to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by screening a film that portrays the saving grace of Jesus Christ to residents of rural Liberia. They also give out audio megavoices with Bible stories recorded on them, which are good teaching tools for those who cannot read.

   Bishop Dennis Aggrey of the CRCA informed the Hot Pepper that additional foreign doctors and nurses from the United States of America are expected to arrive in the country soon, in order to continue providing free medical treatment for Liberians.

   Bishop Aggrey noted that the CRCA, since its establishment, has been providing help to Liberia in the areas of health, education, agriculture, etc.

   In a related development, CRCA, in partnership with   the Timothy Initiative, recently graduated forty church planters in Ganta, Nimba County. The church planters were required to establish one or more churches over the period of two years. Additional training in Christian story-telling was also conducted at CRCA’s other branch in neighboring Sierra Leone.

   They also trained and provided mega-voices to the church planters to carry out evangelism and discipleship. The Bible Society of Liberia also supports the church-planting initiative by providing proclaimers.

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