Boakai Delivers First State-Of-The Nation Address Today


In fulfillment of the Constitution, President Joseph Nyumah Boakai Sr. is expected to deliver his first State-of-the-Nation Address to the joint session of the National Legislature today, Monday, January 29 at about 16:00, outlining his legislative programs for the year.

   The Constitutional mandate will be conducted in the Richard Tolbert Joint Chambers of the Capitol with House Speaker, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, presiding over the joint session, comprising representatives from all 73 electoral districts and 30 senators from the 15 counties.

   Article 58 of the Constitution states, “The President shall, on the fourth working Monday in January of each year, present the administration’s legislative program for the ensuing session, and shall once a year report to the Legislature on the state of the Republic. In presenting the economic condition of the Republic, the report shall cover expenditure as well as income.”

   All heads of the three branches, agencies of government, development partners, members of diplomatic missions in Monrovia and the public are expected to witness the event.

   The message will set the legislative and developmental agendas of the country that went through a bitter electoral campaign during the 2023 general and presidential elections.

   The President is to tell the nation through the Legislature his programs for the economy, health, education and security, including challenges in the next 12 months.

   President Boakai, who is still forming his cabinet, had earlier promised in his inaugural speech, delivered on the grounds of the Capitol Monday, January 22, to fight corruption and that the elections are over and partisanship must give way to nationalism and inclusive governance.

   As protocol dictates, the legislators will gather in the joint chamber of the Capitol Building where the presiding officer, Speaker Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, will call for a motion to accept and receive the President to deliver his annual message to the august body.

   After that is done, the chairperson and members on the Executive of both Houses of Representatives and Senate will go at the main entrance of the Capitol Building to receive and escort the President to the joint chamber to deliver his address.

   As the President speaks to the nation, expectations are running high in the public on measures his administration will take after he and his team campaigned on “Rescue Mission”, and how he intends to rescue Liberians.

   Today’s State-of-the-Nation Address is expected to be graced by the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia, members of the cabinet designate, heads of state enterprises, the doyen and members of the diplomatic corps accredited near Monrovia.

   Others include political parties, the clergy, traditional council, international and local non-governmental organizations as well as imminent citizens.

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