Boakai Uses, Dumps And Ostracizes Prince Johnson:


The Beginning Of The Field Marshall’s Woes

Senator Prince Yormie Johnson, the once revered and feared Field Marshall, is said to be experiencing the biggest shock of his life in the political arrangement between the Unity Party (UP) and the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR).

   Authoritative sources in the MDR have revealed to the Hot Pepper that Senator Johnson has bitterly expressed to the Standard Bearer of the Unity Party (UP), Joseph N. Boakai, that he and his political party have been left out of every aspect of the campaign, with rumor that Boakai anticipates using him and later dumping and ostracizing him from his administration if elected come October 10, 2023.

    According to the sources, Senator Johnson recently met with Ambassador Boakai and allegedly expressed dismay in the way the political affairs of the Unity Party Alliance is being handled, ostracizing the MDR from almost every activity. It is said that he reminded Boakai about the huge political influence his party brings to the table and the Nimba factor, which he claims can single-handily take them to the run-off of the election.

   In addition to the information provided by the undisputed sources, the Hot Pepper keenly observed during the launch of the UP campaign rally that Senator Johnson and the MDR played a near-insignificant role in contributing to the success of the day. Even though he boasted at his press conference that Nimbaians listened to him and turned out en mass to grace the occasion, nowhere on the itinerary was he and his party included.

   Before the launch on September 17, 2023, the Unity Party published the various meeting points for the grand rescue parade and those who would lead the supporters to the venue of the event, without any mention of Prince Johnson and/or the MDR, which has its headquarters along the Tubman Boulevard.

    The UP’s parade itinerary revealed that the Rescue Mother and Campaign Chairperson, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, led supporters from the Nigerian House at the Old Road intersection; Campaign Manager, Senator Prince K Moye Jr., led supporters from 72nd intersection; and the Vice Campaign Chair, Senator James P. Biney, led supporters from VOA’s intersection.

    Montserrado County’s Campaign Chairman, Senator Abe Darius Dillon, along with Montserrado’s senatorial candidate, Wilmot Paye, led supporters from Barnesville intersection; the Rescue Princess and Political Leader of the Movement for One Liberia (MOL), MacDella Cooper, and the National Democratic Coalition (NDC) led supporters from the MOL headquarters in Congo Town.

   The Rescue Daughter, Senator Botoe Kanneh, along with the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL), led supporters from Point Four’s intersection, Bushrod Island, while the UP National Chairman, Luther Tarpeh, led supporters from the Unity Party headquarters on Broad Street. Also, all legislative candidates led their supporters from their respective districts.

   Ambassador Joseph Boakai and Senator Jeremiah Koung, who were only mentioned as Rescue 1 and Rescue 2, led supporters from the SKD Sports Complex and Police Academy intersection, respectively.

   All the parties in the alliance were mentioned, including NDC, MOL, EFFL and UP, except the MDR, which arguably has the biggest stake in the alliance. According to information, it is impossible for the UP to make mention of the NPP and the LP because their legitimate factions and authorities are with the CDC and CPP, respectively.

   Unlike the MDR, the NPP is divided into two, with Jewel Howard-Taylor leading one segment in the CDC, while James Biney heads the other in the UP Alliance. Also, the Liberty Party (LP) is in equal halves: one in the CPP, headed by Musa Hassan Bility, and another in the UP, headed by Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence. All the other parties in the alliance have a very minute following and not politically tested, except the MDR, which has produced representatives and senators in previous elections and, as well, has the majority following in the second most vote-rich county, Nimba.

   The Hot Pepper is hinted that Ambassador Boakai is becoming more careful with his affiliation with Prince Johnson and the MDR, allegedly for fear that he and the UP are being stigmatized for associating with a person under US sanctions and a renowned rebel leader.

   According to information, in order to secure Nimba in the 2023 elections, Ambassador Boakai is allegedly resolved to continue to work with Prince Johnson and the MDR until he wins the election, at which time he will graciously turn the former rebel leader over to the prosecutors of the war crimes court.

   It is said that Ambassador Boakai is in close communication with the progenitors and advocates for the establishment of a war and economic crimes court in Liberia, and has assured them that, upon his ascendency to the presidency, he will make it a priority to ensure that the court is established to fast-track justice for victims of the brutal civil war.

   Whether Prince Johnson is aware of this alleged plan or not is yet to be ascertained, but it seems like the Nimba Senator is sensing betrayal at the dire minutes of the 2023 elections.

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