Buchanan Lights Up; As CPPians Throng In For The Naming Of Fixer 2


Grand Bassa County lights up Saturday, May 27, with over 50,000 partisans, supporters, sympathizers and well-wishers expected to attend the official endorsement of the Vice Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

   Citizens from the various districts in Grand Bassa County have, since the last two weeks, launched a massive campaign rallying citizens under the banner, “One of US for All”, in support and solidarity of the CPP preferred choice of Vice Standard Bearer, believed to be a prominent citizen of Grand Bassa County.

   CPP Standard Bearer, Alexander Cummings, upon his official endorsement at the May 18, 2023 CPP National Convention in Gompa, Nimba County, promised to name his preferred choice of running mate in the October 10, 2023 general elections in his/her county of origin. There are all indications that the special CPP Committee charged with the responsibility to vet for the most suitable Vice Standard Bearer amongst several eligible and competent high profile Liberians have reportedly settled on a prominent female of Grand Bassa County.

   Thousands of CPP partisans, supporters, sympathizers and well-wishers from the 15 counties of Liberia are already in Buchanan for the ceremony, promising to be one of the largest political gatherings in Liberian history. Cummings will lead a high power delegation of CPP stalwarts along with hundreds of Montserrado County partisans in a 150-vehicle convoy to Buchanan for the program.

   The program will be preceded by a grand  parade by thousands of citizens throughout the principal streets of Buchanan, and followed by a massive celebration, including cultural and traditional performances and  musical extravaganza by popular Liberian artists.

   CPP National Chairman, Musa Bility, has offered to fuel the over 150 vehicles moving into Buchanan for the pronouncement and subsequent endorsement of the CPP Vice Standard Bearer.

   Liberians from the diaspora have since this week began arriving for the naming ceremony, described by an elder as a “pride for the Bassa People to unite and support one of us to ascend to the second highest position in government”.

   The CPP, comprising the Alternative National Congress (ANC), the Liberty Party, political auxiliaries, civil society and interest groups, is one of the most formidable opposition determined to capture state power from the CDC government of President George Weah.

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