CAB Recommends To Gov’t On Opening Of School In Post-COVID-19 Liberia

The Liberia Christian Association of the Blind (CAB) has come up with recommendations, which it wishes to present to the Task Team on Education, Ministry of Education, as suggested guidelines for the reopening of schools in Liberia.
The CAB, in its recommendation issued to government through its National President and CEO, Sir. Beyan G. Kota, pointed out that the special needs and reasonable accommodation of blind and partially sighted learners should strongly be considered in regard to the requirements needed for special schools or alternatively with ordinary schools.
According to the CAB, issues of social distancing is a major feature for blind and partially sighted learners, and ought to be taken into consideration by the relevant authorities.
“The learners also are required to move about the school premises and at the hostel, and are assisted by other learners and staff at these schools,” the CAB noted in its recommendation to GoL.
“Learners who are blind and/or partially sighted use their fingers for reading braille and using braille writing machines or to feel an object. Therefore, there is a greater need to sanitise equipment and surfaces more regularly,” emphasized the CAB.
CAB said another major concern is the poor infrastructure at these schools, especially with inadequate facilities at the hostel.
“The learners will not be able to practice social distancing since the hostels are full to capacity, and in many instances there is overcrowding in the hostels. Meal times will also pose challenges, with learners assembling in the dining room for their meals,” voiced the CAB.
The CAB says it endorses the statement in count 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal regarding state commitment to ensuring quality and equitable education for all, and article 24 of the UNCRPD on provision of equal education.
“The CAB urges the Ministry of Education and the Department of Special Need and Inclusive Education to urgently engage with Health Authorities at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and School Management to provide necessary PPE, mobile classrooms, emergency hostel facilities and additional human resources for Schools for the Blind in Liberia.
“In addition, the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Special Need and Inclusive Department should ensure the provision of alternative learning, accessible textbooks, readers and assistive devices for reading and writing to learners whilst they are still at home,” the CAB recommended.
The CAB said that the failure of the Ministry of Education to take appropriate measures, especially measures aimed at sanitary condition of school environment, proper personal hygiene materials and regular sanitization of wash rooms and toilets and regular supply of clean water and the delivery of basic education shall be viewed as impossible for the ministry to fulfil its promise of safely re-opening schools.
CAB indicated that it is particularly mindful that the intent of the Ministry of Education to re-open school in Liberia must take into consideration the need to carry out planned preparation for the safe resumption of schools, and to provide effective leadership and communication to learners, school staff and caregivers in dealing with the Covid-19 crisis.
The CAB also noted that the announcements about the reopening of schools for learners coming from the education and school authorities has brought about renewed uncertainty regarding the way forward for schooling.
“CAB, as an organization of the blind, is concerned about the nation’s readiness in the re-opening of schools in Liberia, particularly centers of learning for the blind and other special learning need students, in areas that are affected by COVID-19 to reopen because of issues such as the non-delivery of water and personal protective equipment (PPE),” stated Mr. Kota.
The CAB is calling on education authorities, especially authorities at the Ministry of Education, that while announcing the return of learners to school they should subsequently take into account that the Ministry of Education should provide a broad outline of the measures that would be necessary for each school to re-open to ensure health and safety and social distancing at schools and provide PPE to schools, as well as water tanks where needed, mobile classrooms to schools facing overcrowding and to deliver mobile toilets to schools reliant on pit latrines.
“Plans for the re-opening of schools,” the CAB opined, “should ensure the proper sanitization of all classrooms and school environments and the provision of PPE at all recognized school infrastructure.
“Accordingly, the CAB wants the Government of Liberia (GoL), through MoE, to see reason in providing a clear and sufficient detail on progress of the procurement and delivery of necessary sanitizing materials, such as hand-washing buckets, powder soap, PPE for protection of social workers and caregivers and students at schools and for regular cleaning of infrastructure.”
The CAB underscored that authorities of MoE must ensure the provision of textbooks, essential school infrastructure like toilets, and network with the national transportation authorities to ease the transportation fares of students.
“We urge Authorities of the Ministry of Education to engage in meaningful consultation with learners, school staff and caregivers, and to move expeditiously in ensuring that all deliveries of nutrition and food occur at all schools,” the CAB added.
It is critical that the uncertainty surrounding the re-opening of schools is resolved in the interest of the right to basic education for all learners, including visually impaired students in Liberia, the CAB further recommended.