Cllr. Alfred Sayeh Declares Intention To Contest For LNBA’s Presidency


One of Liberia’s experienced lawyers, Cllr. G. Wiefueh Alfred Sayeh, has declared intention to contest the presidency of the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) come November this year. Cllr. Sayeh, of Sayeh and Sayeh Law Firm on Randall Street, said he meets all the criteria set by the association’s election commission to run for the post.

   The aspirant maintained that he is competent, experienced and influential enough to run the affairs of the Liberia National Bar Association for the next three years.

   Cllr. Sayeh appealed to all members of the association, including judges, counselors and attorneys-at-law, to side with him in the up-coming contest for a prosperous bar association.

   The learned counselor with much experience fighting for justice in Liberia, promised, if elected, to uphold every article of the association’s by-laws and constitution in the discharge of his duties.

   Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Hot Pepper, Cllr. Alfred Sayeh underscored that his administration will work closely with all institutions, including the Government of Liberia (GOL), ECOWAS and the international community in ensuring that justice prevails in all cases, irrespective of one’s status in society.

   The aspirant acknowledged the difficulties faced by lawyers in the discharge of their duties, assuring them of a better future under his administration. The counselor also hailed the out-going LNBA administration for ably addressing some of the key demands of members during a difficult period in the nation’s history.

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