Court Sends Togba To Prison For Allegedly Murdering Broh


The Monrovia City Court has sent a 39-year-old man, James S. Togba, to the Monrovia Central Prison for allegedly murdering Orlando Broh in the Point Four community on July 4, 2022.

   Defendant James S. Togba, alias Opoku, was arrested on July 4, 2022 about 6:55 p.m. and turned over to the Crime Against person Unit (CAPU) for his involvement in the death of Orlando Broh.

   Defendant Togba was charged with the crimes of murder and aggravated assault.

   It can be recalled that on July 4 20,22 in the evening hours James Togba had gone to the fuel oil water in New Kru Town, Point Four, behind the Liberia Electricity Corporation’s power plant to solicit money from the disadvantaged youth (zogoes), as he usually goes there to demand money from them. However, it was said that he met fierce resistance to his demand.

   In an attempt to get his demand met, he began to damage the tent that the disadvantaged youth sheltered under while they take in illicit drugs.

   “When Togba realized that his action was not yielding result, he reverted to demanding that all the ‘zogoes’ leave from under the tent. Wasting no time, he took a few steps behind, advanced his 9mm Smith and Wesson Pistol, serial #MRA 0532, and shot directly at the disadvantage youth, thus hitting victim Orlando Broh of New Kru Colonel West to in this chest, beneath his right breast,” an eye witness explained.

   For his part, defendant Togba openly admitted to the shooting, but said he was attacked by a group of “zogoes”, an assertion that was later established by the investigation as an alibi.

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