CPP Condemns Violence At Nimba County Primary

The Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) says they strongly condemn the act of violence which characterized the conduct of its senatorial primary in Nimba County.
According to a statement jointly released by the four political leaders after hours of deliberation early Tuesday morning, the four leaders described the violence as unacceptable and counterproductive to achieving the objective of the unity of the CPP for the benefit of the people of Liberia.
Following a meeting held between the political leaders of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), the Unity Party (UP), the Liberty Party (LP) and the All Liberian Party (ALP), the CPP has decided to constitute a four-member Independent Review Panel to investigate the conduct of the Nimba County senatorial primary. Reputable and credible citizens who are not members of the constituent parties of the CPP will serve on the Independent Review Panel and recommend a way forward to the leadership of the CPP. The IRP will begin work no later than September 9, 2020 and will conclude its work and report to the CPP leadership no later than September 15, 2020.
The leaders pledged to always strive to seek useful compromise to ensure the CPP wins together, and in the interest of all of its constituent members. This is evident by the fact that the CPP has successfully completed the selection of its candidates for fourteen (14) counties as follow, pending the resolution of Nimba County.
All Liberian Party (ALP), Gbarpolu, Bomi and Grand Gedeh; Alternative National Congress (ANC), Maryland, Cape Mount, Rivergee and Sinoe; Liberty Party, Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Rivercess and Grand Kru; and Unity Party, Bong, Lofa, and Margibi.
The Unity Party and All Liberian Party on yesterday officially withdrew their candidates from the Rivergee primary and has given their support to the ANC’s candidate, while UP officially withdrew its candidate from Grand Gedeh for ALP’s candidate.
The four (4) political leaders also called on all partisans of their parties and well-wishers to desist and avoid public expressions intended to further inflame the situation. They said they wish to reassure the Liberian people that, as difficult as the challenge of coming together is, the CPP remains determined to achieve it for the Liberian people. “The CPP can only grow stronger because of these experiences which test the character of our collective leaderships and shared commitments to the Liberian people—a test we will not fail,” they observed.