Criminal Court “C” Finds “Original Japan” Guilty


George Obi, alias Original Japan, a notorious drug trafficker, has been adjudged guilty by Criminal Court “C”, Temple of Justice, of the crime of unlawful maintenance and distribution of controlled drugs or substances.

According to the indictment, Obi and his co-defendants were arrested at his compound on February 21, 2024, in Sayon Town, Bushrod Island.

Following Tuesday’s final arguments, Criminal Court “C” Judge, A. Blamo Dixon, also held co-defendants Peter Mamah, Ndubuisi Okonkwo and Bridgestone Harris guilty of the alleged crime of unlawful sale and distribution of controlled drugs or substances. He further held co-defendants Obi, Mamah, Okonkwo and Harris guilty of the alleged crime of criminal conspiracy.

Hot Pepper’s judicial correspondent reported that Judge Dixon has, at the same time, ordered the clerk of court to address a communication to the Probation Services Department of the Ministry of Justice to conduct pre-sentencing investigation about co-defendants George Obi, alias Original Japan, Peter Mamah, Ndubuisi Okonkwo and Bridgeston Harris, whether or not they are first-time offenders or habitual offenders and submit a report to the court on or before Monday, February 24, 2025.

After the probational report, the court will conduct a sentencing hearing for the defendants.
However, Judge Dixon has acquitted co-defendants Sunday Udeh, Ivan Jamo, lkwe David and Edwin Ozioko. They are exempted from answering questions to the charge of unlawful distribution and sale of controlled drugs or substances and criminal conspiracy.

The judge established that evidence adduced in the case did not directly link and connect chain to chain all of the eight (8) defendants undergoing trial before the First Judicial Circuit, Criminal Court “C”, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, to draw a logical conclusion that the said evidence adduced in the case warrants the conviction of all of the aforesaid eight (8) defendants.

He continued that the evidence adduced in the case draws a logical conclusion that the principal defendant, George Obi, alias “Original Japan”, and co-defendants Peter Mamah, Nduduisi Okorokwo and Bridgestone Harris are the main prime suspects, who are directly linked and connected chain to chain to the evidence adduced in the case to warrant their conviction for the alleged commission of the crimes of unlawful maintenance and distribution of controlled drugs or substances, unlicensed sale and distribution of controlled drugs or substances and criminal conspiracy.

“The investigators of the LDEA were absolutely correct to have charged principal crime defendant, George Obi, alias ‘Original Japan’, with the commission of the of unlawful maintenance and distribution of controlled drugs or substances. The rationale is that ‘Original Japan’ is the sole owner of the compound that the controlled drugs or substances were confiscated from by the officers of the LDEA.”

Accordingly, Judge Dixon said the writ of search and seizure was directly directed at “Original Japan”, and his compound was also described in the warrant. The defense of ‘Original Japan’ that the drugs were allegedly found in the apartments of his tenants cannot hold; because drugs were also allegedly found in his own apartment, according to three (3) of the witnesses for the state.

“Original Japan” knew or had reason to know that drugs were trafficked, transited and distributed from his compound; therefore, the court is inclined to hold “Original Japan” as charged by the Republic.
The investigators of the LDEA were also absolutely correct to have charged co-defendants Peter Mamah, Ndubuisi Okorokwo and Bridgeston Harris with the alleged commission of the crimes of unlicensed sale and distribution of controlled drugs or substances and criminal conspiracy.

He maintained that the rationale is that co-defendants Mamah, Okorokwo and Harris were apprehended in the same room packaging the high substances and smoking marijuana, according to the evidence adduced in the case.

The criminal court C judge asserted that the evidence adduced revealed that the investigators of the LDEA woefully failed, and the LDEA was wrong to have charged co-defendants Sunday Udeh, Edwin Ozioko, Igwe David and Ivan Jamo with the alleged commission of the crimes of unlicensed sale and distribution of controlled drugs or substances and criminal conspiracy.

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