CSNL Commends Out-going Chief Justice


The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) has commended the out-going Chief Justice, His Honor Justice Francis Korkpor, for his many years of dedicated and committed service to the Liberian Judiciary.

   In a statement issued by the CSNL yesterday, the group said, “As Chief Justice Korkpor bids farewell to the Liberian Judiciary today, he will be remembered for presiding over an independent, reliable and effective Judiciary. Chief Justice Korkpor initiated and coordinated major policies, carried out infrastructural development and several reforms that have greatly transformed the Liberian Judiciary. Decisions of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Korkpor were made without fear or favor, and in strict adherence to the rule of law.”

   According to the release, “The Civil Society Network of Liberia wishes to recount the many monumental gains made by the Judiciary under the administration of Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor. In an effort to ensure access to justice for all, a basic tenet in peace building and democratic development, the Judiciary under the watch of His Honor Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. engaged in the construction and staffing of new judicial complexes; the renovation, rehabilitation and completion of several other judicial buildings, including magisterial courts for the first time in several political subdivisions (counties) of Liberia; the provision of academic and training initiatives for hundreds of judges and other judicial workers to build their capacities; the maintenance of freedom of speech and tolerance, as guaranteed under the 1986 Constitution; increment in the salaries of judges and other judicial workers; amongst others.

   “The Civil Society Network of Liberia wants to make it unequivocally clear that major decisions taken by the Korkpor Bench were independent and just. Granting of Stay Order on the 2017 run-off presidential elections to hear complaints against the first round; ruling in favor of former President of the Liberia Marketing Association (LMA), Madam Alice Yeebahn, when she was illegally suspended by Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor; rulings against several candidates of the ruling CDC in the 2020 midterm senatorial elections and the 2021 representative election in Bong, and ruling in favor of Mr. Oliver Dillon, brother of the government’s fiercest critic in the Liberian Senate are testament to the independence of the Judiciary led by Chief Justice KoKpor.”

   The release continued, “A deeper review of the Judiciary under His Honor Cllr. Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. has indeed shown it to be different from previous benches of the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court Bench has indeed rendered transparent justice from an independent standpoint. The legacy of His Honor Cllr. Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. will forever be replete with the provision of justice to all, irrespective of political, social and economic backgrounds. We hope that the new Chief Justice, Her Honor Justice Sie-A-nyene Youh, will continue to lead the Judiciary in the footsteps of the out-going Chief Justice, Francis Korkpor.”

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