CSNL Disappointed In Cllr. Momoh, Patricia Miatta Kamara’s Involvement In Alleged Theft of Property


–Calls for Kamara’s Dismissal

The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) has expressed disappointment at Cllr. Johnny Momoh and Patricia Miatta Kamra, of ChildFund Liberia, for their alleged involvement and indictment for theft of property and other crimes, given their level of experience and positions in the Liberian society. The CSNL described as despicable and ridiculous the action of Cllr. Momoh to denigrate and disgrace Marie Nellon by throwing her things out of her home in her absence.

According to a CSNL press release, on April 8, 2023 Cllr. Momoh allegedly connived with others, including Patricia Miatta Kamara, to steal cash and valuable properties in the amount of US$575,385.00 and L$80,000.00 belonging to Nellon. “We are highly disillusioned that Cllr. Momoh and his collaborators are indicted for theft of property, burglary and criminal conspiracy given his many years of legal practice,” the release stated.

The Civil Society Network of Liberia said they see Cllr. Johnny Momoh’s admittance before the Grievance Committee of the Judiciary that he and the likes of Patricia Miatta Kamara threw Marie Nellon’s things outside in her absence as appalling and shameful. “We wondered as to why a legal practitioner, in cohort with others, especially Madam Patricia Miatta Kamara, could engaged into acts of domestic violence and wanton violations of Liberian laws. To have even made a video recording of this horrendous and unspeakable action against Madam Nellon was irritating and infuriating. Cllr. Johnny Momoh additional admittance to having numerous girlfriends, including Davidetta Parker Sheriff, Bonita, Deborah and so many of them, while in a relationship with Madam Marie Nellon is immoral and dishonest,” the civil society group observed.

“It is distressing that Cllr. Momoh, who admitted to throwing Madam Nellon properties out of her home in her absence has grossly failed to exercise remorse, and do a restitution of Madam Nellon’s lost cash and properties. His disgraceful action, supported by Madam Patricia Miatta Kamara, led to the loss of jewelries valued at US$500,000.00 and cash amount of US$75,385 plus L$80,000.00, amounting to the total of US$575,385.00 plus L$80,000, which was Madam Nellon’s hard-earned business money and jewelries. With heart of evil and wickedness, Cllr. Momoh, Madam Kamara and others have refused to pay back Madam Nellon’s properties and money. We urge them to immediately restitute Madam Nellon’s jewelries and cash, as we demand justice for her,” the release noted.

The Civil Society Network of Liberia said they are also saddened over the alleged involvement of Patricia Miatta Kamara into the criminal acts of theft of property, burglary and criminal conspiracy, given her role as one of the directors of ChildFund Liberia. “It is dishonorable that Madam Kamara, who should be protecting women rights and support programs in the fight against gender violence, would be indicted for conniving with Cllr. Momoh to commit theses undesirable acts. We, therefore, call on the Board of Directors of ChildFund Liberia to immediately dismiss or remove Madam Patricia Miatta Kamara as one of the head of ChildFund Liberia.

“The Civil Society Network of Liberia strongly believes that Cllr. Johnny Momoh, Madam Patricia Miatta Kamara and their collaborators have brought so much emotional, psychological and economic abuse and pain on Madam Marie Nellon. While we welcome their indictment, we call for a speedy trial of the case to bring relief to Madam Marie Nellon. We believe that Cllr. Momoh and Patricia Miatta Kamara have sensed their guilt, and must be made to pay for it,” the CSNL release stated.

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