CSNL Reveals Violation Of Confidentiality Policy In Wilmot Smith/EcoBank Case


–Wants EcoBank To Hold Negotiation With Victim

The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) says its attention has been critically drawn to the case between Wilmot Smith and EcoBank regarding the alleged assassination of Smith’s character by and through Yusuf Kromah, a one-time employee of the bank. The CSNL said it has been specifically concerned about how information containing financial transactions from the EcoBank Account of the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-information Services (LISGIS) was spread on Facebook by Stanton Witherspoon and Martin K.N. Kollie, impugning Smith’s character.

   According to a CSNL release, in violation of the confidentiality clause regarding customer’s account, Yousuf Kromah, as an employee of EcoBank, leaked information on LISGIS Account, and the leaked information was used to malign the character of Smith. 

   “Information conducted by the Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) established that LISGIS Account information was released by Mr. Kromah, an employee of EcoBank, to Mr. Stanton Witherspoon and Mr. Martin Kollie, against all confidentiality policies. This means that EcoBank should be held liable for libel and character assassination against Mr. Wilmot Smith,” the CSNL release observed.

   “Having followed the libel and character assassination case filed by Mr. Wilmot Smith against EcoBank, we applaud the Civil Law Court for taking seize of the case and opening trial for onward adjudication. Therefore, the Civil Society Network of Liberia calls on the Management of EcoBank to avoid the court action by taking responsibility of its employee, and hold roundtable negotiation conference with Mr. Smith as a means of resolving the case.

   “Documents in the possession of the Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) shows that the management of EcoBank Liberia has admitted that an employee of the bank released the account information of LISGIS,  which led to the spread of misinformation against Mr. Smith. No form of delay and justification can save the bank from being held liable for libel and character assassination,” the release stated.

   The Civil Society Network of Liberia then called on the court to do justice in the case, as its ruling will go a long way in setting a precedence. “Fast tracking the case in a timely manner will bring legal relief to the parties, especially Mr. Wilmot Smith, whose character was maligned. We want to reiterate that the action of EcoBank is not only disturbing, but also criminal,” the release added.

   In conclusion, the CSNL urged Stanton Witherspoon, Martin K.N. Kollie and their likes to desist from the act of blackmail and character assassination. 

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