CSNL Welcomes Magistrate Bana’s Ruling In Nellon-Momoh Case


The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) has welcomed the ruling of Magistrate Ernest Bana in the application filed by Cllr. Johnny Momoh before him for a writ to subpeona several banks in the case filed against him by Marie Nellon. 

  According to CSNL, magistrate Bana’s decision that Cllr. Momoh should testify as principal witness in the case before taking the testimony of other witnesses is in compliance with the law. “In fact, Magistrate Bana’sdecision was in the right direction because Cllr. Momoh’s application filed before the Brewerville Magisterial Court for him to subpeona several banking institutions, including International Bank Liberia Ltd., Ecobank, UGA, AfriLand Bank and the Best Jewelry, has no connection or relation to the allegations of domestic violence, felonious restraint and criminal coercion case filed against him by Marie Nellon after eight years of a relationship,” a CSNL press release observed. 

  The Civil Society Network of Liberia said they strongly believe that Magistrate Ernest Bana’s ruling is in the interest of the promotion of justice. “It is commendable that Magistrate Bana did not fully grant Cllr. Momoh’s writ of subpoena, as it was done in bad faith and intended to delay justice for Madam Nellon. The writ was totally unnecessary and unrelated to the case of domestic violence and felonious restraint before Him. Cllr. Momoh allegedly brought so much emotional, psychological and economic abuse on Madam Marie Nellon. Therefore, this Liberian woman deserves justice. We call for the expeditious hearing of this case by Magistrate Bana, as a means of focusing on giving Madam Nellon justice now, and not give credence to a bogus and sidetracking writ of subpoena filed by Cllr. Momoh,” the civil society group stated. 

  “The Civil Society Network of Liberia wants to make it clear that the case before the Magisterial Court is about domestic violence and felonious restraint, and not aboutbank accounts. Cllr. Momoh’s application for subpoena for banks was intended to stall the expeditious hearing of the case, but we are glad that Magistrate Bana didn’t wholly reject Cllr. Momoh’s application. Cllr. Momoh could have delayed the hearing of the case if his application/motion was denied by taking an appeal to the Circuit Court. So, Magistrate Bana was judicious to have partially granted Cllr. Momoh’s application, in order to provide justice for Madam Nellon. 

  “In conclusion, the Civil Society Network of Liberia wishes to remind Cllr. Johnny Momoh to understand that he was arrested for the crimes of domestic violence, felonious restraint and criminal coercion, and not for bank account controversy. We once more commend Magistrate Ernest Bana for his ruling, and urge him to expeditiously hear the case, as we believe that Cllr. Momoh has sensed his guilt. His diversionary tactics by filing an irrelevant writ of subpoena should not deterred the court from providing justice in this case.”

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