Cummings Locks Down Pres. Weah’s Backyard!


On Saturday, November 19, 2022, the Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Alexander B. Cummings, flanked by stalwarts and supporters of his party, was received by a mammoth crowd at the entry of the Clara Town community—where President George M. Weah lived his childhood.

   Dressed in his traditional Grebo attire, Cummings had gone there to honor the invitation of the Grebos United For Cummings—a traditional group consisting of Grebo-speaking people from Maryland, Grand Kru, River Gee and Sinoe counties—and interact with the citizenry in that part of the capital. The agenda of the group was to officially endorse the CPP Standard Bearer for the 2023 presidential election.

   Many observers seemed not surprise that Cummings would pull such a huge number in President Weah’s childhood community, as they say the President and his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) have lost political relevance in the eyes of the downtrodden masses, with their hope for a better Liberia under a Weah government still far from being met, even though the administration has less than a year to complete its first six-year term.

    Clara Town is one of the most densely populated communities in Liberia, with a population of approximately 75,000 (according to the 2008 National Housing and Population Census). The community is pre-dominantly occupied by the Grebos and Krus. During the 2014 senatorial election, Robert Sirleaf, who contested against Weah for the Senate, was booed at and stoned when he visited the community. Similarly, Darius Dillon was also challenged when he entered the community during the recent election that brought him to the Liberian Senate.

   However, it appears like Cummings has broken the political barrier and amassing a huge political endorsement from the once “no-go zone” of CDC.

Partial view of the crowd

   At the impressive and jam-packed Clara Town Sports Pitch, with supporters wearing Cummings T-shirts and dressed in traditional Grebo costumes, the Grebo Mass Choir rendered a revolutionary warrior song, while the men drummed and performed traditional Grebo dances in support of their kinsman, Cummings.

    During the ceremony, the four southeastern counties read and presented an endorsement statement through the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Grebo United for Cummings, Peter T. Gbarbo.

   The endorsement statement reads, “Without consultations with God that we wanted to be a Grebo tribe situated in the four counties of Liberia (Maryland, River Gee, Grand Kru and Sinoe) and the third largest tribe in Liberia, God ordained, appointed and established us to be born as citizens of the Republic of Liberia. In other words, we are Grebo people in Liberia not by choice but by birth. Hence, it behooves us and is incumbent upon us to cherish, support and defend the cause of our native vernacular, just as other citizens of Liberia would do.

    “In this vein, we [would] like to tell the Liberian people, and assure you Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, that we are every ready, resolved and prepared to go the extra mile in working with you until you achieve this worthy cause to revive, redeem and set our nation on a new pedestal of genuine economic growth, development and prosperity.

   “So as Grebo People, both in Montserrado County and from our various counties of origin, we do hereby pledge our commitment and would like to seize this glorious opportunity to declare our ardent, unflinching and unbending support and to hereby endorse you, Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings, and your presidential ambition for 2023.

    “We are standing with you not only because you are a son of the Grebo tribe, but because you are a manager, an administrator and a leader who is well able, qualified and up to the task, to administer the affairs of our beloved country, Liberia. your leadership ability was demonstrated during the time of your chairmanship of the CPP when you led the Collaborating Political Parties to the 2020 Special Senatorial Elections to glories and victories.

   “We [would] like to use this time to appreciate you for your usual generous donations of medical supplies to various hospitals and medical centers across the country. Thank you so kindly and may the Good Lord build your capacity to do more for our people.

    “Going forward, we are determined and highly motivated hereafter to embark on a tour of the four counties to further mobilize our compatriots to consolidate our resolve to making you, Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, the next president of the Republic of Liberia. We intend to engage these tours beginning specifically with the Jeadepo people in Sinoe County, then the people of Grand Kru, then Maryland and finally River Gee.” 

   Several other prominent citizens of Montserrado, Sinoe, Maryland, Grand Kru and River Gee counties, including River Gee Senator, Jonathan Sogbie, Kai Jerbo, a soccer legend, Ben Chebo, Eric Giko and George Wisner, made remarks, rallying support for Cummings’ presidential bid come 2023.

   The Standard Bearer of the CPP, Alexander B. Cummings, received with honor the Grebo group’s petition, and reiterated his resolve to making President George Weah a one-term President.

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