Cummings To Issue Presidential Performance Contract Soon; As Grebo Women Group Pledges Support


The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Alexander Cummings, says he will shortly unveil details of his first 100-day deliverables, attached with a special performance contract for Liberians to evaluate and hold him accountable for campaign promises made leading to his ascendency as President come October 10.

   Cummings reassured Liberians of his commitment to restoring good governance and instituting real change that will improve the socio-economic condition of all Liberians, irrespective of political affiliations or ethnicity. He said, unlike the administration of President George Weah, the CPP will guarantee every Liberian equal opportunities, right to free expression and association with political party of choice, without any reprisals be it public official or civil servant working in government.

   Cummings reiterated his commitment to a government of inclusion based solely on the merit system, with minimum of 30 percent female representation. The CPP Standard Bearer made the assertion when he spoke on the Truth FM Breakfast Show on Thursday, June 1, 2023.

   Asked about the CPP plans to restore good governance and revive the ailing economy, Cummings emphasized the need for a strong and independent Judiciary, respect for rule of law, combating corruption and ensuring the streets are safe, all aimed at creating a friendly business environment to assure investors.

   He said, with his wealth of international experience in corporate governance and management of an over US$200 billion budget, Liberia will definitely become a success story under a CPP administration.

   Cummings disclosed that he will ensure regular payment of civil servants’ salaries, provide micro-loans for Liberians, including market women, to grow and expand their businesses, establish a national youth service and entrepreneurship program, ensure the rapid development of the eco-tourism and forestry sectors, as well as the development of Liberia’s 350-mile beach way. He said a CPP government will also invest heavily in agriculture, all aimed at creating massive job opportunities for Liberians.

   On his choice of a female running mate, Cummings said he is excited and very confident in the ability, qualification, smartness and resilience of Counsellor Charlyne Brumskine. He noted that they shared the same value system and work ethics. Cummings underscored the critical significance of women in decision making, and “the need to involve women in all spheres of our national life”, referring to women as the foundation of Liberia.

    On the question of his stronghold and where he derives his confidence of winning the presidency,  Cummings said women and youth constitute the bulk of his supporters and admirers, scattered nationwide, and with Charlyne as running mate Grand Bassa County has become a CPP stronghold. He expressed confidence of taking over from President George M. Weah, whose nearly six-year leadership has proved to be disastrous, with the rising cost of living, hardship, growing insecurity, lawlessness, extrajudicial killings and mysterious murders and deaths.

   Cummings said the arbitrary reduction of civil servants salaries, high unemployment rate, devaluation of the country’s currency, backlogs of salary arrears owed civil servants, massive corruption and wasteful spending have largely contributed to the deteriorating economic condition nationwide.

   The CPP Standard Bearer assured Liberians that he has the capacity, competence and connections to successfully lead the process of economic renewal, restore basic social services and get Liberians back to work as well as get Liberians to play active role in their own economy.

   Meanwhile, the Karluway Women Association of Maryland County, based in Monrovia, have pledged their unflinching support and loyalty to the presidential bid of the CPP Standard Bearer, Alexander Cummings, come October 10, 2023.

   The Karluway Women Association, established 1998, comprising business and market women, is one of the largest Grebo ethnic groups in Maryland County, scattered in several parts of Monrovia as the Bushrod Island, Gardnersville and Clara Town.

   At a well-attended ceremony in Chicken Soup Factory, Montserrado County’s district #12 on Thursday, June 1, the leadership of the Karluway Women Association accorded Cummings the traditional welcome ceremony and vowed never to abandon the CPP’s quest for the presidency for any other political party.

   In remarks, the CPP Standard Bearer expressed gratitude for the continued reaffirmation of support by the many Grebo groups, which he said is indicative of the strong bond of unity amongst the Grebo tribe, considered the third largest tribe in Liberia.

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