Dr. Whapoe Calls For UL To Invest In Laboratory Technology


The Political Leader of Vision for Liberia Transformation Party (VOLT), Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe, says it is disdainful for the University of Liberia (UL) to continuously submit budget for the National Legislature’s approval but neglect learning endeavors like research and investment in laboratory science and technology, only to include trivial personal interest, such as scratch cards, gas slips, DSA, among others.

   Dr. Whapoe made the statement when he spoke at the 46th anniversary celebration of the Liberia Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists (LAMLT), on the topic, “Ignorance of Science: A Disaster”. The program was held at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Center, 9th Street, on Tuesday, November 29, 2022.

   He challenged the Government of Liberia (GOL) to make investment in laboratory education to be able to solve numerous problems, not only environmental but also healthcare problems.

   Dr. Whapoe, a presidential aspirant in the upcoming presidential and legislative election, said, if the government can invest in science, especially laboratory technology, the country could solve for itself numerous problems, such as disease control and prevention, avoiding environmental degradation, among others.

   He said, “With ignorance of the importance of laboratory science, it is evident that our people continue to die from curable diseases and our crops continue to de-germinate, as soil infestation such as ‘army worm’ depleted farmers crops in Bong and Nimba County in 2010.” He therefore called on the government to invest in laboratory inquiries to protect the society.

   Speaking further, Dr. Whapoe said the science learning goals of laboratory experiences include enhancing misery of science subject matters, developing scientific reasoning abilities, increasing understanding of the complexity and ambiguity of empirical work, developing practical skills, increasing understanding of the nature of science and cultivating broader knowledge.

   He noted that laboratory science provides the opportunity for detection of diseases in individuals and populations, noting that laboratory tests are also important for the detection of environmental toxins, such as communicable diseases.

   He said research has shown that individuals who engage in well-designed laboratory experiences develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as gain exposure to mature reaction, material and equipment that help to solve scientific problems.

   Laying further basis, he mentioned that the main objective of laboratory medicine is to provide meaningful and accurate results for risk assessment, diagnostic of conditions, follow-up and monitoring of the treatment of patients. “Laboratory science is an important part of the diagnostic process in healthcare environment,” he said.

   “Not only in medicine or health care facilities, but the environment laboratories should be responsible for the betterment of the health of many individuals, wildlife and the environment,” Dr. Whapoe added. According to him, with the technical data and analysis of inquiries, they provide lasting solutions to problems and recommend what is to be done to preserve the wellbeing of the society.

  “Our laboratories should not only be equipped to perform limited diagnostic testing, reference testing and disease surveillance, but able to provide emergency response support, perform applied research and provide training for laboratory personnel,” he highlighted.

   Additionally, he said, laboratories should be equipped to identify rare or dangerous pathogens, identify newly described organisms and provide uncommon diagnostic reagents. He added that laboratory information must be accurate, timely and subjected to qualified procedures.

   He continued that laboratory tests are particularly useful in validating a diagnosis, predicting disease severity and monitoring disease prevention in patients with effectual diseases or immunological disorders. “Timely diagnostic assessment and implementation of reliable test are extremely important in disease management,” he underscored.

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