Editorial: Pres. Weah Face To Face With 2023


PRESIDENT GEORGE MANNEH Weah has come face to face with election year 2023. At the cabinet retreat in Ganta on Monday, July 11, 2022, President Weah called his cabinet to the reality of the Liberian people’s reward or reprimand of service or the lack of service, only sixteen months away. “The Liberian people will have the Constitutional opportunity to reward us for the results we are achieving. It is therefore imperative that all hands are on deck, with a full commitment to ensure that we get a resounding victory,” President Weah admonished his cabinet. President Weah thus acknowledged the coming months, leading to election, as “a crucial period” for his administration.

LAYING THE FOUNDATION for what his administration intends to accomplish in the months up to election, President Weah acknowledged the tremendous progress of the last four years in the implementation of development projects across the country, which he said is imperative to review, to ensure that the cabinet is aligned with the government’s goals and intentions to take the country to its desired destination. He underscored PAPD performance, the outlook of the economy, management and coordination of foreign aid and a review of the 2022 legislative agenda.

THE PRESIDENT, MINDFUL of the critical role transparency plays in his effort at reelection, and the public’s call for greater commitment to the fight against corruption, underscored increasing accountability and transparency in government, enshrining a culture of performance and delivery of results, improving coordination and teamwork in government as well as a review of presidential priorities for the next 16 months.

THE PRESIDENT CHALLENGED his officials to redouble their efforts toward the realization of the government’s development objectives, enshrined in the “Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, (PAPD)”. He hailed the Cabinet for the able and effective execution of their respective functions during the last period under review, but equally queried them to reshape focus because more remains to be done.

IN LINE WITH this, President Weah has instructed government ministries, agencies, and commissions to engage the IDA and World Bank to ensure that Liberia benefits from funds mainly focusing on health, education, agriculture, digital economy, youth and women empowerment, roads and ports, energy and gender.

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