Editorial: Welcoming The EU-EOM Team To The Critical October 10 Polls


ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 the Government of Liberia (GOL) officially welcomed the European Union Election Observation Mission, Liberia 2023, led by Jarek M. Domanski, Deputy Chief Observer, which paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister, Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah at his Foreign Ministry office on the Capitol Hill.

FOREIGN MINISTER KEMAYAH further noted that the Government of Liberia (GOL), under President George Manneh Weah, welcomes and cherishes the EU and other members of the international community’s desire of deploying observation teams in Liberia to observe the campaign processes, leading to the October 10, 2023 election and post-election activities.      

THE FOREIGN MINISTER told the EU observers that he is absolutely confident that the outcome of a free, fair, transparent, peaceful and inclusive electoral process will further enhance the sustenance and consolidation of peace in Liberia, which he said is the foundation for a thriving democracy and the pursuit of the national development agenda. He stated that an inclusive process will ensure the continued participation of all Liberians in the political and governance process of the country. He indicated that the forthcoming general and presidential elections in October 2023 are crucial to consolidating Liberia’s democracy as well as the sustenance of peace and national development.   

JAREK M. DOMANSKI, Deputy Chief Observer, European Union Election Observation Mission Liberia 2023, stated that they are in Liberia to observe the 2023 election, and that the EU team will deploy about one hundred persons throughout the length and breadth of the Republic of Liberia. He disclosed that they are in the country to strengthen democracy and will therefore issue the preliminary statement on October 12, 2023 after the polls. He said while in Liberia EU-EOM is expected to meet and hold discussions with all stakeholders in the country.

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