“Extend Helping Hand To The Needy”; Rev. Dr. Rufus O. Ositelu


His message was not only one of compassion and love for fellow man, but was also characterized by “thanksgiving to God for sparing our lives from January to December”.

His Holiness, The Most Rev. Dr. Rufus O. Ositelu’s message was contained in his Sunday, December 8, 2024 sermon during the annual thanksgiving harvest of the Church of the Lord Worldwide at its provincial headquarters on 52 Center Street in Monrovia, Liberia.

Primate of the Church of the Lord Worldwide, Rev. Dr. Ositelu preached from the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 8: Verse 10, urging Liberians, particularly Christians, to use this holy month of Christmas to touch the lives of the homeless and needy in society.

“Remember the homeless and those who do not have at home. Whatever little you have, share,” Rev. Dr. Ositelu said, making specific reference to disadvantaged youths being referred to in Liberia as zogoes.
Other leaders of the church in attendance were Pro. Morris Darway, Currate, Pro. Gbessi Momo, Resident Minister and His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Victor M. Olasemojo.

Rev. Dr. Ositelu reminded Liberians and people of the World to show love for their fellow men, especially during this Christmas season. He told the congregation Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, whon he said “came to show the way and carry the burden of our sins”.

“Let love reign across Liberia and the world. Liberians are one people. Don’t plan evil, but plan good for others,” Rev. Dr. Ositelu emphasized.

The Church of the Lord Worldwide was founded in Nigeria in 1925 and in Liberia in 1947.

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