For Ending Standoff At Firestone: Firestone Workers Union Appreciates Min. Kruah’s Swift Intervention


The Firestone Agricultural Workers Union (FAWUL) has sent out a message of appreciation to Labor Minister, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, for what the Union calls “swift and timely intervention” in the interest of the ordinary Liberians, whom they believe deserve decent work environment and equal opportunity for equal work done.

Minister Kruah recently served as the head of a senior government delegation in Margibi County to end the crisis at Firestone, in the best interest of all.

The team, which included Director-General of the National Bureau of Concessions, Theodore Momo, also engaged the leaders of the Firestone Agricultural Workers Union (FAWUL) and the Liberia Labor Congress (LLC) over the Firestone crisis before successfully concluding an agreement that led to the restoration of normal labor activities at the plantation.

A two-day strategic tripartite dialogue organized by Minister Kruah dealt with the most consequential aspect of an earlier MOU entered into by both workers and management, containing a clause calling for US$80 increment spread over a three-year period, 2025—2027, for workers.

The workers are of the view that the increment lacks specificity as to what this amount was intended for, whether an annual salary increment or for what purpose, which was unclear, led to the workers’ dissatisfaction that triggered the strike action at the corporation.

The Union extends their thanks and apperception to President Joseph Nyuma Boakai who mandated Minister Kruah to ensure an immediate resumption of work at the plantation, launched 48 hours of intensive negotiations, using ‘social dialogue at workplace’ in line with standing ILO Conventions.

The aggrieved workers at Firestone contour of other demands, including retirement/service benefits, removal of the Human Resources Manager and Resources Director, wrongful dismissals, among others.

The Labor Minister supplicates with leaders of the striking workforce to ensure immediate closure to their action while negotiations were underway, and after hectic deliberations which lasted up to midnight Friday, January 31, a final agreement was secured from both parties, culminating in the memorandum of understanding attested by the Liberian Government through Labor Minister Kruah.

The MOU stated in part: “…Whereas, Firestone and the FAWUL entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in February 2022 for a period of three years to govern the relationship between Firestone and FAWUL.

“After extensive discussions between Firestone, the Union, the Ministry of Labor and the National Bureau of Concessions, the Union has agreed to return to the negotiation table to continue the CBA negotiation on terms and conditions herein.”

The MOU empowered the union to call on its members to resume work immediately, while remaining issues associated with the ongoing CBA negotiations are being addressed.

Labor Minister Kruah, officials of Firestone, NBC and Union thanked all parties for the breakthrough under the MOU which took immediate effect with full resumption of work at the company.

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