Gaye Rallies Grand Gedeans For Development; Offers Scholarship Opportunities
The Deputy Managing Director for Administration, Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC), T. Wilson Gaye, has called on Grand Gedeans to embrace peace, unity and togetherness to pursue development just as he had inspired graduates of the Zwedru Multilateral High School to create their pathways for greater adventure beyond the high school education they had acquired. He also offered scholarship opportunities for 10 graduates of the school to pursue their education at the Grand Gedeh County University College beginning the 2025 academic year.
Gaye made the assertion on Sunday, December 1, 2024 when he delivered the keynote address at the graduation exercise of the Zwedru Multilateral High School, where 215 students graduated in varied technical and vocational disciplines.
He told the citizens to strive to be part of the mainstream politics in the country, underscoring that they cannot afford to be on the periphery with what happens at the national level.
“While we appreciate the fact that it is the inalienable right of every citizen to choose the political persuasion of their choice, I want Grand Gedeans to exercise such right in the direction of uniting our people and collectively working to bring development to our people. We need to turn away from the usual pulling down politics that has characterized the thought processes of some of our people. Let us take a cue from our neighbors who have been able to bury their differences and work for their counties.
“We want to encourage our young people to focus on their future and stop following people that may destroy their path to success. There are so many opportunities abounding in the country, especially in this county, that our young people should prioritize. Time waits for no man; you will not remain young forever; wake up and brace up for the opportunities ahead. It is high time that yoi focus on investing in what brings you positive returns, than being held back,” Gaye said.
While lamenting the low level of development in the country despite the country’s 177 years of political independence, Gaye said the administration of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai is taking decisive actions to reverse the trend and place Liberia on the right path of growth and development. Amid thunderous cheers from the audience, the Deputy Managing Director for Administration said a technical team from the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation will shortly assess facilities and water infrastructure in Zwedru City for the restoration of water supply to the city for the first time since the system was broken down six years ago.
Speaking to the graduates on the topic, “After Here, What’s Next?”, Gaye commended the graduates for their achievements and inspired them by reflecting on his days at the institution, as he challenged them not to be stagnant in the pursuit of their goals.
“To the graduating students—this is your day, and I congratulate you on your achievement. Well done. You are fortunate that you are graduating from an institution that has prepared you exceptionally well. ZMHS has prepared you not just on the academic front, but exposed you to many other learning opportunities for you to play your part in helping communities improve their quality of life.
“It is not enough to simply try and get by in life; that does not move the world forward: you must strive to excel in everything you do—excellence in every task, large or small. The decisions you make starting today will determine what you become. Your academic journey is not over yet, and you must be clear on the end result and how you wish to get there. You will face many challenges, but this is what the ‘real world’ is all about, and the next phase in your life is a great training ground for your future success,” Gaye told the graduates.
Gaye made a suggestion that in order for the institution to fully stand out as a citadel of learning where students are adequately prepared to take on responsibility in the future, there was a need for the government to grant it autonomy status. He called on the local county authorities to include the institution in their development plan.
Gaye, who is a 1983 product of the school, further urged the students to take full advantage of the amazing networking opportunities in their next phase after graduation. “It is easy to remain in the comfort zone in terms of the circle of friends, but the best lessons in life are learnt through reaching out,” he disclosed.
As a means of encouragement, Gaye offered 10 scholarships for 6 females and 4 males to pursue further studies at the Grand Gedeh County University College. He also promised to provide one year payment of dormitory fees for Mai Wiakanty, the student who introduced him, and a promise of internship for senior students of the school at the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) every year.
Also speaking at the occasion, the Principal, Wiah Bohlen, expressed gratitude to Gaye for honoring the invitation to serve as the keynote speaker, and extolled him for buttressing the urgent need for the institution to be granted autonomy in order to fulfil the original mandate for which it was created. He revealed several plans earmarked by his administration to improve the learning environment.