Gongloe For President Launched On Corruption-A-Capital-Crime Footing


BARELY SEVEN MONTHS after Dr. Daniel E. Cassell’s political party, People’s Liberation Party (PLP), was certificated by the NEC and he joined the race for the presidency as the Political Leader of the PLP, a new presidential candidate has surfaced in the nation’s body politics: Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe. Cllr. Gongloe has a history of human rights advocacy and legal defense, and is building his presidential aspiration on the tenets of integrity and the rule of law.

THE “TEAM GONGLOE” was launched at the St. Kizito Church in Paynesville on Friday, July 30, 2021. The National Chairman of the group, Cllr. Jimmy Saah Bombo, stated that, after intensive search among themselves and across the landscape, they have found a Liberian who, for several years, beginning from his teen at the University of Liberia up to his present age, has demonstrated unflinching commitment to struggle for justice: Counselor Tiawan Saye Gongloe.

ACCORDING TO CLLR. Bombo, institutions taking Cllr. Gongloe into the fierce battle for the presidency include the Movement to Ensure Liberia’s Transformation (MELT), Volunteers for Change (VOICE), Liberians for Integrity (LFI) and Information Hub Gongloe (IHG), at home and in the Diaspora. “Team Gongloe is a community of Liberians from diverse political, social and economic orientation, bonded with the shared belief that a better Liberia is possible under the leadership of Cllr. Gongloe,” Cllr. Bombo stated.

CLLR. BOMBO DISCLOSED that uncompromising adherence to the rule of law, Judiciary independence and the administration of blind justice without fear or favor, and Liberia becoming a country of equal justice before the law, where the National Legislature makes laws that benefit the totality of the population instead of the lawmakers and a select few, would characterize the Gongloe government—if he is elected by the people.

HE CONTINUED THAT a Gongloe presidency would also mean a Liberia in which corruption is a capital crime, public officials are public servants and not rulers of the people, the citizens are prime movers and shakers of the nation’s economy and not bystanders while foreigners call the shots, adding that citizens will eat what they grow and grow what they eat, with the doctrine of separation of power, check and balance being strictly adhered to by the three branches of government.

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