Gusceman, Partners End CWSA Business Partners Training On Open Defecation


Gusceman Business Development and Support Services,  in partnership with Concern Worldwide, Anthena Infonomic and PSI, has ended a three-day CountyWide Sanitation Activity business partners orientation to eradicate open defecation through the accessibility awareness and affordability of improved basic toilet in Liberia.

   CountyWide Sanitation Activity (CWSA) is a project that is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by PSI, Concern Worldwide, Athena Infonomic and Gusceman, a Liberian consultant firm, with the aim of building excellent growth and prosperity in Liberia and several other international organizations.

   The three-day partners orientation workshop was held in Gbanga, Bong County, from July 17—19 with the goal of ensuring that open defecation are eradicated through the awareness and use of the newly launched household basic improved modern toilet.

   Accordingly, the five-year USAID-funded project, which started last year October, seeks to end open defecation in five counties: Bong, Nimba, Lofa, rural Montserrado and Grand Bassa.

   But, the first phase of the initiative brought together over seventy participants from three counties: Lofa, twenty-two, Nimba, thirty, and Bong, twenty, all from the business sector.

   Giving an overview of the business partners’ training and presentation, the Gusceman General Manager, Emmanuel Diabolo, said that the workshop is intended to educate and train entrepreneurs from the five counties about the importance and significant of the adoption of the basic improved toilet.

   According to him, the new improved toilet is a rubber made that is affordable and accessible, with the aim of making the product accessible to the targeted counties.

   “We brought those business people here to tell them about the product. The product is long lasting and very cheap. The standing improved toilet is US$15, while the small one is US$10. This product, if taken to every parts of those counties, will end open defecation in Liberia,” he added.

   Making special remarks at the program, Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Urban Affairs, Paulita CC Wie, expressed excitement and appreciation over the product and the workshop.

   According to her, ending open defecation is important to President George Weah, urging all local officials and stakeholders to join the campaign to end open defecation across the country.

   “We thank you all for coming and participating. We also thank our partner, USAID, for the support. This project—we want you to go back to your various counties, communities and neighborhoods and tell your people about this product, and let them all have it to end open defecation in Liberia,” she concluded. 

   For his part, the Chief Executive Officer of Liberia Water Sanitation and Hygiene Commission, Bobby Whitfield, expressed excitement and delight about the CountyWide Sanitation Activity (CWSA) initiative.

   “This government is very concerned about ending open defecation in Liberia, and this starts with the selling and purchasing of this new product, which is affordable. With this, I can assure you that after this five-year project we will end open defecation in the entire country,” he assured.

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