House Concurs With Senate For Creation Of Trehnbo Vocational Institute (TVI)


The plenary of the House of Representatives has concurred with a Senate engrossed bill for the creation of the Trehnbo Vocational Institute (TVI) in Grand Kru County.

   The bill was submitted Tuesday, August 3 by President Pro-Tempore Albert  T. Chie and subsequently passed by the Senate’s plenary.

 The institute is expected to offer livelihood skills in masonry, carpentry, plumbing, general agriculture, home economies, electricity, small-scale mining and environmental technology.

   Pro-Temp Chie, during the submission, added that the TVI will admit and benefit students, mainly Grand Kru and other southeastern counties, although it will welcome students from all over Liberia.

  “I therefore seek your prompt endorsement and approval of the proposed act in pursuit of youth empowerment, decentralization of educational facilities and privileges and economic development,” Pro-Temp Chie stated.

   He further asserted that the aims and objectives for the proposed bill are, to amongst other things, provide instructional and learning conditions in all aspects of vocational training and education that will effectively promote the empowerment, development and interest of the youthful population of Grand Kru County in particular and those in the southeast and Liberia in general; to create, promote and implement co-educational institutions of vocational learning within Grand Kru and to grant certificates and diploma; and to promote and maintain centers of learning where constituents of all races, classes and faiths, gender and ethnic settings can enjoy equal opportunity of vocational education and learning activities.

   The Trehnbo Vocational Institute will have a Board of Trustees, Director and Deputy Director for Administration, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Assistant Director for Fiscal Affairs, Assistant Director for Records, Registration and Admission, Assistant Director for Students Affairs and Heads of Department and Programs.

   Following the House’s concurrence, the act will be forwarded to President George M. Weah for approval and subsequent printing into hand bill.

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