House Invites EPA & Disaster Management Agency Over Increase In Flooding


The heads of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Disaster Management Agency are expected to appear before the plenary of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 to explain the potential cause of the level of flooding and how it can be handled.

   According to the House’s Press and Public Affairs Department, the plenary of the House, acting on the request of Montserrado County’s district #16 Representative, Dixon Seboe, voted to invite the entities of government to state reasons behind the intensity of flooding in the past two years, and with this year being unprecedented beyond control.

    Representative Seboe’s communication noted that, considering the devastation that comes with flood, if a national action plan is not designed and implemented the bulk of the Liberian people will continue to face hardship beyond their capacities.

   The plenary wants both EPA and the disaster response agency to explain the potential cause of the level of flooding and how it can be handled, and to also explain what is being done for those affected by the flood so far.

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