House To Probe National Iron Ore Company Former Employees’ Arrears


The plenary of the House of Representatives has mandated its Committees on Ways, Means & Finance, Judiciary and Labor to probe a complaint of former employees of the former National Iron Ore Company (NIOC) not receiving their severance and other arrears in keeping with the terms of government’s agreement with the former workers.

   Plenary took the decision Thursday, June 15, 2023 during its 10th day sitting. It was triggered by a communication written by Nimba County electoral district #5 Representative, Samuel Kogar, craving the indulgence of his colleagues to invite the Ministers of Finance & Development Planning and Lands & Mines to come and show cause why the former employees of the former National Iron Ore Company (NIOC), an 85% government-owned share-holding company that operated in Mano River, Grand Cape Mount County, in the 1960s have not received their severance and other arrears in keeping with the terms of government’s agreement with the former workers.

   “Hon. Speaker and fellow colleagues, in a Special Government Notice, dated September 19, 2001 referencing former National Iron Ore Company (NIOC) employees, an agreement was reached with the workers that they would be re-employed upon the resumption of operation by NIOC or by a successor company, in which case the government would have paid severance benefits from funds to be provided by the successor company or proceeds to be realized from disposition of the company’s assets, should the company finally liquidate,” Representative Kogar’s communication stated.

   The Nimba County lawmaker further mentioned in his letter that, after many efforts by the former workers of the NIOC have proved fruitless, they have asked the body to intervene for a logical and peaceful conclusion.

   Following the reading of the communication, Montserado County’s electoral district #9 Representative, Frank Saah Foko, proffered a motion forwarding the communication to the Ways, Means and Finance, Judiciary and Labor committees to probe the matter and report to plenary within a week.

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