“I See Liberia Heading For Greatness”; Says Liberian Gospel Musician


Famous Liberian Gospel Musician, Ambassador Charles Sleyon, says he sees Liberia heading for greatness as a nation in the West African sub-region. Ambassador Sleyon is based in the United States of America.

   He said Liberia, a country after God’s heart, is heading for greatness. “No matter what people have said of Liberia, it will surely shine,” Ambassador Sleyon stated.

   The ambassador noted that it is time for every Liberian citizen to begin thinking possibility about the growth and development of the country. He said, “Liberia suffered because of what we say, by our word of tongue.”

   When questioned about his personal contribution into Liberia, he responded as saying that he is building a health center along the Roberts International Airport (RIA) road. According to him, he has provided hundreds of scholarships to university and vocational students in Liberia.

   Ambassador Sleyon said he has his foundation operating in the country to provide solutions to issues confronting the livelihood of Liberians at home.

   According to him, he is interested in building up the capacity of Liberians. He said some of the reasons attributed to Liberia’s backwardness is the lack of educational and vocational skills for Liberians to improve.

   When questioned as to whether he has any political ambition, he said his work back home is predicated upon his love for country, and not politics.

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