In Bidding Process Following SATZ Group’s Complaint: LTA Faces Probe Over Alleged Irregularities


In a significant development, several anti-corruption institutions in Liberia have launched an investigation into allegations made by the SATZ Group of Companies regarding irregularities in the bidding process of the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA).
This inquiry follows serious concerns raised by SATZ, particularly related to the Cyber Security Framework Development, Awareness, and Orientation project, designated as IFB No. LTA/REOI/002/2024.
SATZ’s complaint specifically highlights issues surrounding the fairness and transparency of the evaluation process.
Despite fulfilling all requirements outlined in the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) and the Request for Proposal (RFP), SATZ claims it was unexpectedly disqualified due to alleged technical non-compliance cited by the LTA.
In an effort to address the issues raised, the LTA, according to sources, has sought to allegedly by-pass the bidding process by requesting a no-objection for a consultant who was never a part of the bidding. This consultant is expected to undertake tasks that essentially mirror the terms of reference outlined in the RFP.
In light of these developments, SATZ has urged the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), the Center for Transparency and Accountability (CENTAL) and the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) to conduct a thorough investigation into the bidding and contract award processes. SATZ emphasized the critical need for compliance with the Public Procurement and Concessions Act of 2010.
Following SATZ’s written complaint, CENTAL, the PPCC, and the LACC confirmed receipt of the complaint. CENTAL has pledged to initiate an inquiry, while the LACC has already commenced its investigation and intends to release findings in the near future.
However, the PPCC has acknowledged the complaint but has not provided a specific timeline for its own investigation.
The situation has raised concerns among Liberian citizens, who are calling on anti-corruption institutions to expedite their inquiries. Many believe that the alleged irregularities not only impact SATZ Group but also affect other local companies.
Critics have voiced concerns over LTA’s alleged non-transparent practices, which threaten the integrity of the bidding and procurement processes. Other companies and professionals have echoed SATZ’s complaint about the general lack of transparency.

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