In EPS Development Fund’s Corruption: All Accusing Fingers Pointed At Trokon Roberts


Investigation being conducted by the Hot Pepper into alleged corruption matters involving the administration of the Executive Protection Service (EPS) suggests that all accusing fingers are being pointed at the Director of the EPS, Trokon Nathaniel Roberts, who stands accused of using the corrupt funds to erect gigantic structures in Monrovia and other parts of the country.

   Inside sources have revealed that the total amount in the EPS Development Fund’s account is about US$475,000 (four hundred and seventy-five United States dollars), but wondered whether the account even has up to US$100,000, as the administrators of the agency have allegedly launched a wild party on the funds.

   The sources hinted that the fiesta on the account began when it was observed that a number of high-ranking agents had credited from the account but were refusing to pay. They named Agent Alexander Togba, Deputy Chairperson of the funds committee, and Tony A. Morris, Credit Manager, as signatories to the account, whom they say are equally guilty of the mismanagement as Chairman Helbs. They claimed that there is a corruption cartel within the EPS that makes decision when it comes to money matters, and anyone who is not a part of them may know very little about how the agency’s money is expended.

   They explained that Agent Matthews Coker (Unit-53), Chief of Administration, and his Deputy, Casely Roberts (Unit-53D), are also deeply rooted in the corruption scandal.

   Junior officers of the EPS (names withheld) explained that Matthews Coker Casely Roberts are the ones responsible to carry out the deduction on agent’s salaries at the end of the month, but instead of remitting the amount into the Development Fund account they allegedly distribute the money among themselves.

   However, Hot Pepper’s sources claimed that the entire corruption episode is being masterminded by Director Roberts, who appointed his “yes-man” to preside over the funds. According to them, Helbs’ appointment to head the EPS Development Fund Committee was strongly resisted, especially by Agent Henric Wolo (Unit-51), for being irresponsible and allegedly not having an immediate family or property as a guarantee in the event of financial mismanagement. They noted that Unit-50 however disagreed with Unit-51, claiming that Helbs was doing well and should be given his flowers while he is alive.

   The Hot Pepper investigation has confirmed that James Helbs is the son of former SSS Director, Victor Helbs. He attended school in Ghana and was recruited in the EPS in 2009.

    The investigation suggests that, some time ago, James Helbs withdrew US$200,000 (two hundred thousand United States dollars) from the EPS Development Fund on the instruction of Director Roberts and turned the money over to a female protocol officer (name withheld), who allegedly took the money home but later claimed that it was stolen.

   The news about the funds being stolen did not go down well with Chairman Helbs. Recently, according to the investigation, he was again allegedly instructed by Director Roberts to withdraw US$100,000 (one hundred thousand United States dollars). However, after withdrawing the amount, Helbs did not report to his bosses; instead, he escaped to Ghana immediately.

   A flipside of the story is that, after withdrawing the US$100,000, Helbs allegedly sought advice from some high-ranking agents who are already indebted to the account, and they advised him to abscond with the money, providing full protection for him until he left the Roberts International Airport (RIA).

   Latest report in the Hot Pepper investigation is that, on Sunday, October 30, 2022 Chairman Helbs placed a telephone call to agents of the EPS and family members, informing them that he has been informed about the news of the corruption scandal being in the media, and that he was therefore returning to Liberia this week to testify the “real” truth.

   Chairman Helbs, in the telephone conversation, allegedly said his hands are not into any stole money, and that it was the EPS administration that should be held responsible, stating that the administrators are fully aware of what happened to the EPS Development Fund.  

     Effort to interview Director Trokon Roberts on the alleged happenings within the EPS proved futile. Journalists who visited the Executive grounds to obtain his side of the story were also turned down.

   Howbeit, in the midst of the huge financial impropriety, the EPS Director stands accused of throwing out a colossal birthday party over the weekend, where he was seen spending lavishly, to the dislike of junior EPS agents, who stood in small groups to allegedly discuss their situation and how heartless their boss is. Investigation continues.

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