In House Impasse: Justice Minister Provides Written Opinion [On The Side Of The Law] Tuesday


–As “Majority Bloc” Responds To Koffa’s Complaint

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Liberia, Cllr. Oswald Tweh, is expected to provide a written opinion, on the side of the law, in the matter involving members of the House of Representatives as mandated by the full bench of the Supreme Court.

In the same manner, the “majority bloc” of the House of Representatives are also expected to file a written answer today in response to the petition filed by the Speaker of the House and twenty-seven (27) other representatives regarding the un-Constitutionality of certain actions taken by them, including the usurping of the Speaker’s authority, suspending members of the House, reconstituting House Committees and hijacking the 2025 draft national budget.

They are also expected to honor the Supreme Court’s order to return to status quo ante, going back to the House Chamber under the gavel of Speaker Koffa, and stay all further actions pending the determination of the matter by the court.

After satisfying these conditions, the Supreme Court will then be expected to issue a “Notice of Assignment” in the case—to have all the parties appear to argue their respective sides of the matter.
However, it appears like the matter up Capitol Hill is still far from being over, as members of the “majority bloc” have begun to make statements in defiance of the Supreme Court’s order.

Several members of the “majority bloc” have insisted that the action of the Supreme Court can be equated to interfering with the activities of another branch of government, as their action to “remove” Speaker Koffa is an administrative decision and has nothing to do with Constitutional matters.
They threatened to initiate impeachment proceedings against the Justices of the Supreme Court should they continue to interfere with their activities.

On the flipside, the embattled Speaker of the House, Cllr. Fonati Koffa, has reportedly suspended the Deputy Chief Clerk, Cummick Chea, for not submitting the 2025 Draft National Budget to his office after receiving it.

According to information, Speaker Koffa has threatened to notify the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning that they have not received the budget, with a mandate that they should resubmit the budget to the office of the “proper” Speaker.

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