INCHR Commissioners-Designate Appeal For Budgetary Increment


Two Commissioners-designate of the Independent National Human Rights Commissions (INCHR) are appealing to the National Legislature for increased budgetary allotment in the coming 2023 fiscal budget for the commission.

   The Acting Vice Chairman of the Commission,  Cllr. Dr. Niveda Risks, and Oversight Commissioner on  Communication and Budget, Atty. Palmillia Doe Paivey, said the operational cost of US$54,000 in the current budget is not sufficient to carry out its huge task, including the decentralization of the commission, county inspection, transportation, office maintenance and other  operational expenses.

   According to a Liberian Senate press release, they said if the Independent Human Rights Commission is to operate to international standard, the need for increased budgetary allotment cannot be overemphasized.

   The two Independent Human Rights Commissioners-designate were speaking Monday when they appeared before the Senate Judiciary, Claims and Petition Committee for confirmation hearing under the Chairmanship of Senator, Cllr. Varney G. Sherman, Grand Cape Mount County.

   Touching on Liberia’s human rights record, the Independent Human Rights Commissioners-designate said, although Liberia is gradually achieving in its human rights record, it has been given one year to improve in some areas in order to achieve a resounding benchmark.

   Commenting on the challenges in the performance of its statutory responsibilities according to a Senate press release, the nominees of the commission said the alarming issues of pre-trial detainees, the condition and    congestion of various prison compounds across the country, human trafficking, amongst others, are serious challenges confronting the commission.

   Meanwhile, the commissioners are appealing to the government to purchase a DNA machine for the commission in order to help in the adjudication of human rights cases, including rapes, amongst others.

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