“Investigate The Use Of Country Devil In Maryland Election”; Religious Groups Tell NEC


Members of the two main religious groups in the country have expressed shock over report that “country devil”, the most feared traditional masquerade, assisted in electoral malpractices that engulfed the election in Maryland County.

   Followers of Christianity and Islam said the report is troubling political issue that requires the intervention of the National Elections Commission (NEC) and all involved with peaceful elections in the country.

    The group maintained that no free and fair democratic elections can be held in an electoral district governed by a tradition that caters only to the wellbeing of its members, adding that the adoption of said practices grossly undermines social justice and equality as enshrined in the Constitution.

   The Bishop of the Faith Mission Temple International, Rev. Dr. Jerry Yarpa, said members of the Christian community want the NEC to see the report as a challenge to its credibility, and act promptly to prevent future political problems.

   Rev. Yarpa underscored that the National Elections Commission (NEC) is therefore under oath to tell the Liberian people about an outside interference in the conduct of the election in Maryland County’s electoral district #2. 

   Similar concerns are being expressed in the Islamic community, where the “country devil” is considered unjust under the practice of the Quran.

   A senior Imam said, while he remains unopposed to the existence of the “country devil”, he will not support any election that is held under the influence of secret society.

   It can be recalled that the “country devil” allegedly prevented several voters in district #2, Maryland County, from exercising their franchise in the just-ended election, which Anthony Williams won.

   Williams’ reported victory over the county’s celebrated politician and incumbent Speaker of the House of Representatives, Bhofal Chambers, has since been challenged by Marylanders, who believed that the election was interfered with.

   Meanwhile, the two sides are expected to appear before the full bench of Commissioners at the National Elections Commission (NEC).  

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