Labor Minister Wants Employment Institutions Appoint Health And Safety Officers


Labor Minister, Cllr. Charles H. Gibson, has disclosed that the Decent Work Act provides that every employment entity that has more than twenty (20) persons working must have a Health and Safety Officer appointed by the management. He said that this appointed officer may not be a doctor or nurse, but one who will ensure that the health and safety of the workers are paramount.“This is important, because an entity with sick people will not have production, and if no production it affects the overall economy,” he added.

   The Minister maintained that following meetings with major concessionaires and business institutions in the country to forward the names of their Health and Safety Officers, many have complied as per the record.

   Minister Gibson was speaking on Thursday, November 18, 2021 during the launching ceremony of condom boxes at various ministries, agencies, public corporations, colleges/universities, vocational institutions and hotels, held at the Ministry of Labor. The ceremony, which was held under the auspices of the HIV and AIDS at the Workplace Section of the Ministry of Labor, brought together representatives of the National AID Commission, UN AIDS, ILO, Government ministries and agencies, etc.

   Speaking further, Minister Gibson said that the launch of the condom boxes is intended to serve as an example on how the ministry wants employment institutions to take the issue of health and safety at their places of work.

   He noted that, though the cost of producing one box is very little, it can help to save lives and increase productivity and production in the workplace. He used the occasion to inform the public that several pharmacies have offered to help his ministry to provide condoms, but noted that the MOL is helping itself by providing the boxes. He encouraged the recipients of the condoms to inform the ministry whenever the boxes need to be recharged.

   Minister Gibson added that the distribution of the condom boxes will contribute in a very small way to the fight against COVID-19, since HIV is considered one of the underlining factors in the health and safety of workers in Liberia.

    “Though there are reports that the HIV and AIDS index has dropped, it can drop further if more people apply preventive measures,” the Labor Minister observed.

   Also speaking, the Commissioner for Programs and Policy, National AIDS Commission, Lewis A. Wright, thanked the Ministry of Labor for the initiative, noting that workplace policy on HIV and AIDS is very important in preventing stigmatization against people living with AIDS. Wright said that he looks forward to the validation of the new workplace policy on HIV and AIDS.

   He said that more people have enrolled into treatment and care, unlike the past, meaning that the drop in the index does not mean that people are getting cure from the virus, but the attitude of people has moved toward treatment.

   He used the occasion to officially invite the Minister of Labor, Cllr. Charles H. Gibson, to serve as the keynote speaker of this year’s “World AIDS Day” celebration.

   For his part, the Assistant Program Manager, International Labor Organization (ILO), Momo Watson, said that the issue of HIV and AIDS at the workplace is at the heart of the ILO because it has a negative impact on the workforce.

   He stated that his institution remains committed to supporting the HIV and AIDS Section of the Ministry of Labor. He informed partners of a pending validation workshop on the new HIV and AIDS workplace policy, to be held in Buchanan city, Grand Bassa County.

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