LAC Goes For 189th Session In Ganta


The Liberia Annual Conference (LAC), United Methodist Church (UMC), established 1833, from February 9—13, 2022 will hold its annual session in Ganta, Nimba County.

   According to Bishop Samuel Quire Jr., this year’s annual conference will highlight achievements and challenges made during the year 2021, and will set the agenda for 2022.

   He said top on the agenda of the 189th session of the Liberia Annual Conference (LAC) is the church’s position on human sexuality, among other key issues confronting the church’s growth and development.

   It is expected that every section and department of the UMC will present a report of achievements and challenges for the period under review.

   This year conference will be held under the theme, “Know that I am God”, Psalm 46:1—11.

   Bishop Quire Jr. stated that the keynote speaker for this year’s annual session is the President of the United Methodist University (UMU), Rev. Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono.

   Currently, the Liberia Annual Conference has over 700 branches, and during this year’s gathering, it is expected that a reshuffle will be made at the ministerial level.

   This year, the global United Methodist Church is expected to finalize its position on same-sex marriage in its conference anytime soon. However, the Liberia Annual Conference (LAC), United Methodist Church (UMC) has not been taking lightly the rumor of the global church accepting homosexual practice, threatening to withdraw from the global UMC if such decision is made.

   According to the church’s book of discipline, paragraph 161-F forbids homosexuality. But majority of the Western UMC branches are said to be supporting the idea of same-sex marriage. The African UMC branches are however expected to meet this year to finalize their position on the issue of homosexuality.

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