LAC/UMC Delegates Unanimously Reject Same-Sex Marriage


The Liberia Annual Conference (LAC), United Methodist Church (UMC), can be said to be at a crossroad, as it takes a landmark decision against the founders of the church in the Western world.

   For years now, the Liberia Annual Conference (LAC) has been battling its founding fathers in the Western world on the issue of same-sex marriage.

   Before the UMC convene its 189th session this year, its Presiding Bishop, Samuel J. Quire, Jr., vowed that, under his stewardship as presiding Bishop, the Liberia branch of the UMC will not support the issue of homosexuality among branches of the United Methodist Church (UMC).

   The 189th session of the LAC brought together over 2,000 officials and members of the UMC.

   At the four-day working session of the annual conference, various districts of the LAC provided reports on their challenges and achievements during the period under review.

   The Liberia Annual Conference is a usual event, held each year in Liberia, with this year’s conference being held under the theme, “Know that I am God”, Psalm 46:1—11.

   Discussions were held and suggestion proffered as it relates to the forward match of the church, with the issue of disadvantaged youths’ empowerment programs, the construction of the church’s conference center, the position of the church on homosexuality toping the agenda.

   It was unanimously endorsed by the church to begin providing some level of assistance to the vulnerable young people of Liberia. At the same time, the church voted to support the construction of it new conference center in Bong County. The LAC clergymen also voted unanimously to reject the practices of same-sex marriage in either of its branches in West Africa.

   At the event, Bishop Quire noted that last year the cold hands of death took away some officials of the church, and used the occasion to thank every UMC member for their support toward the advancement of the church. The LAC Bishop said together they stand strong but divided they will fall.

   Bishop Quire spoke on lots of issues confronting the forward march of the church, but ended on declaring unto his congregation that this year is a year of fruitfulness in the wellbeing of the church.

   For her part, the conference speaker, Rev. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono, called for unity among UMC members. According to her, in union strong success is sure.

   Rev. Gonway-Gono urged the 189th session participants to put God first in everything in order for God to take control.

   This year, the Liberia Annual Conference (LAC) working session took place at the Miller McAllister United Methodist Church, Ganta, Nimba County. 

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