LACC Pursues Former Red Cross Officials


The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) says it has secured an indictment for the arrest and criminal prosecution of several former officials of the Liberia National Red Cross (LNRC).

   The LACC, in a statement, said the Red Cross former President, Emmanuel Kparh, former Secretary General, Fayiah Tamba, Procurement Supervisor, Koboi Wolokollie, and Director of Finance Sekou Kamara will be prosecuted for the mismanagement of monies close to US$1,000,000.00 (one million United States dollars) of funds given to the organization by the Swiss Red Cross and the Liberian Government during the battle against Ebola in 2014.

   The LACC said the four former officials of the Red Cross criminally diverted the funds to personal use through the breaking of procurement rules, laid-down financial management regulations and through dangerous collusion among themselves.

   In a specific case, the LACC said the former president took custody of the over US$20,000 for support to two LNRC chapters—Sinoe and Grand Gedeh counties—but investigations show that the two chapters did see the funds. Kparh also took into his possession another US$20,000 and L$2 million to lobby with the National Legislature for increased subsidy for the LNRC, but no evidence was shown to justify that the amount was paid to the Legislature.

   The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission said it is surprised that Kparh carried out financial gangsterism by collecting close to US$70,000.00 for board members’ compensation but used it for private gain, without delivering it to the board members.

   The LACC says it wants Emmanuel Kparh and three other former officials of the Liberia National Red Cross to turn themselves in immediately or could face arrest and be handcuffed in the public square.

   The anti-graft office said they would like to use this situation to warn all public officials currently handling funds related to the fight against COVID-19 to be mindful, as there will be accountability in the future for the management of these funds.

   The LACC said it will accept no excuse for the mismanagement, illegal disbursement and misappropriation of public money during an emergency period.

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