Liberia School Of Blind Gets COVID-19 Food Supply

The Liberia School of the Deaf and Blind in Brewerville, Montserrado County’s district #17, over the weekend received several bags of rice, oil and beans as its share of the government’s stimulus package for the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Liberia. The donation was made by the Presidential Steering Committee, headed by Minister Wilson Tarpeh, and the World Food Program (WFP).
Several communities and orphanage homes in Brewerville, VOA, Robertsfield Highway, and others benefited from Friday’s donation. The government is rapidly carrying out the food distribution in Montserrado in order to move to other parts of the country, Commerce Minister Tarpeh said.
Beneficiaries of the COVID-19 food assistance told Minister Tarpeh that they are appreciative of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government for remembering them during this global pandemic. William Toe, a beneficiary, expressed gratitude to President George Weah for the gesture. He told the Hot Pepper that the donated items will not be sold, as advised by the minister.
The government, through the COVID-19 Food Distribution Steering Committee and in collaboration with the World Food Program (WFP), is expected to complete the targeted communities in Montserrado County with the food distribution process. The head of the Presidential Steering Committee, Commerce Minister, Wilson Tarpeh, said the committee has completed a number of targeted communities.
According to Minister Tarpeh, the Liberia Statistic and Geo Information Services (LISGIS) is currently carrying out the mapping of homes across the country, and while the process is on-going the committee, along with WFP, is continuing with the food distribution exercise. He explained that the exercise is rapidly going on in Montserrado County, and will soon be extended to other counties.
The Minister indicated that, since the commencement of the food distribution process, everything has been going on smoothly, noting that community dwellers themselves are greatly involved with the process. He told reporters recently in the Warwin community, Capitol By-Pass, that beneficiaries of the COVID-19 food are appreciative of the gesture. According to him, every single community the team reaches residents always applaud the President for the gesture, especially during this critical period
Recently some beneficiaries of the By-Pass community commended President George M Weah for his government’s goodwill of identifying with residents, especially within the vulnerable communities. Annie Teah, Comfort Davis and Alphonso Nimley praised President Weah for the food distribution during this global pandemic. According to them, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government has proved to citizens that President Weah cares for the country and its citizens.