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Liberia’s Population Hits 5.2 Million–LISGIS Discloses In Provisional Census Results

The Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) has announced the first provisional results from the 2022 National Population and Housing Census (LNPHC). LISGIS has so far announced 97% of the total number, amounting to 5,248,621 (five million two hundred and forty-eight thousand six hundred and twenty-one), representing a population increase by 1,772,013 (one million seven hundred and seventy -two thousand and thirteen) as compared to the 2008 population census.

   LISGIS announced the provisional results on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at the Monrovia City Hall, Sinkor, in the presence of officials of the Liberian government and international partners.

At the release of the provisional results of the 2022 population census, City Hall, Monrovia

   According to the provisional results, the male population makes up 50.4% or 2,644,450 (two million six hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and fifty) of the population, while the female population accounts for 49.6% or 2,604,171 (two million six hundred and four thousand one hundred and seventy-one) of the population, giving a national sex ratio of 101.5 males for every 100 females.

   The 2022 LNPHC Provisional Results also revealed that Montserrado County accounts for 37% of the total population enumerated, followed by Nimba County, 12%, Bong County, 9%, and Lofa County, 7%, constituting nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of the total population.

   Other counties’ results are Rivercess, 90,777; Gbarpolu, 95,995; Grand Kru, 109,342; River Gee, 124,653; Bomi, 133,668; Sinoe, 150,358; Maryland, 172,202; Grand Cape Mount, 178,798; Grand Gedeh, 216,692; Grand Bassa, 293,557; and Margibi, 304,946. 

   According to LISGIS, the 2022 population census instituted several data quality monitoring mechanisms and leveraged technology to implement interventions toward ensuring a complete and accurate census. These included using modern geo-spatial mapping techniques, geo-coding building/structures footprints, computer-aided personal interview (CAPI) techniques using tablets, state-of-the-art near real-time data capture via cloud data transmission, dynamically updated census dashboard for real-time monitoring, and continued data validation at the various levels of operations.

   “These strategies enabled preempting operation/logistics challenges, remotely monitoring and reporting fieldwork progress, assessing data quality and correcting errors and inconsistencies while enumerators were still in the field,” LISGIS informed the public during the pronouncement.

      1,187,388 households were reportedly enumerated, with an average national household size of 4.4 persons, while the national population density is 140 persons per square mile.

   LISGIS disclosed that about 16,562 census enumerators and supervisors visited households nationwide, counted and collected detailed information on nearly all persons who spent the census night (November 10, 2022) in their respective households, noting that the actual census enumeration was conducted from November 14 to December 20, 2022, with a mop-up exercise from December 27, 2022 to January 7, 2023.

    The census results, a copy of which is in the procession of the Hot Pepper, contains results on population size and sex composition, population distribution, growth rate, sex ratios, population density and average household size. However, LISGIS noted correctly that the results presented are provisional, and the data will be used as provisional figures until the final results are released by the end of May 2023.

   The completeness of the 2022 LNPHC, according to LISGIS, is ranked at 97%, which is an internationally acceptable achievement.

   Speaking at the release of the provisional result of the census, the Acting Director General of LISGIS, Lawrence George, noted that the LISGIS Act of 2004 says only aggregated data is allowed to be reported, which is the international norm for census data dissemination, and places a legal restriction on publishing personal data and information about individuals. “All personal details are protected and removed from publications and datasets to protect the confidentiality of respondents. This is consistent with international standard practices,” he said.

   Partners at the release of the census results, including the UN Resident Coordinator, World Bank Group’s Country Representative and the Swedish ambassador accredited near Monrovia, praised the LISGIS for performing beyond expectations.

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