Lions Governor Visits Liberia


The District Governor for all Lions Clubs in Cote D’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo, Claude Christophe Aguiar, is in Liberia for a one-week visit.

   Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service organization, founded in 1916 by American Philanthropist, Melvin Jones.

    While in Liberia, Aguiar, a Togolese, is expected to hold a series of meetings with members of the organization, officials of government, and carry out charitable work.

   Upon his arrival Wednesday, the Lions Clubs District Governor said he was impressed by the overwhelming reception and organizational structure of Lions Clubs in the country.

   Claude Christophe Aguiar said he looks forward to visiting the eye center at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, which was built by the Lions Clubs in Liberia, and make a series of donations before leaving.

   He urged members to remain united and unwavering in their service to humanity, underscoring that it is the core value of the organization.

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