LISGIS Increases Nat’l Population Census Awareness


The Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS), in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), on September 26, 2022 officially open the training of trainers workshop, disclosing that they will be conducting the fifth census of the Republic of Liberia and the first digital census of the nation from October 24 to November 7, 2022 in the fifteen counties.

    Speaking at the program, the Deputy Director General for Information and Coordination and Acting Director General of LISGIS, Wilmot F. Smith, welcomed the participants to the first day of the training of trainers workshop, noting that there was a master trainer workshop before the exercise.

   Smith said the master trainer workshop was held for over 110 persons, and out of 110 persons 40 were elected to form part of the exercise.

   He said the essence of the workshop was to prepare them for the upcoming census activities, and for them to serve as ambassadors for the National Population Census.

   For his part, Bosal Tauwu urged the participants to take the exercise seriously, emphasizing that the census requires the enumeration of the entire population of Liberians and non-Liberians, as well as the cooperation and involvement of all citizens and non-citizens.

    He said the training will be carried out incessantly for 10 days, aimed at providing adequate training for 592 trainers who will aid in the training. According to him, it is expected that the 592 trainers will train about 17,071 enumerators nationwide.

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