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LMA Leadership Entangled In Alleged Campaign Money Corruption Web

The leadership of the Liberia Marketing Association (LMA) has allegedly misapplied campaign money intended for the re-election of President George Manneh Weah in three counties.

    According to insiders, Elizabeth Sambolah was appointed on July 24, 2023 along with some managers of the LMA to the campaign team for President George M. Weah’s re-election.

   They campaigned for President Weah in Montserrado, Bong and Margibi counties, and allegedly received huge amounts of United States dollars, to be distributed among the marketers of the three counties, but it was diverted to their personal benefit, according to the insider.

   On Thursday the marketers in the various counties protested for their share of the campaign funds, a situation that called public attention, leaving the LMA disdained by the public. 

   At present, there are growing calls from the disenchanted marketers and the public for the accountability of the funds—if the LMA calls itself an integrity institution. Besides, there is resentment among marketers and leadership because Sambolah’s action has brought the LMA into public disrepute.

   “We are reliably informed that thousands of USD was given for campaign purpose but was not properly used for its intended purpose,” the insider said in an awful manner. “Elizabeth did not work with the team that was appointed along with her.”

   The LMA is under intense for the outcome of the campaign money, which was intended for the three counties to benefit.

   Amidst the wave of US sanction on out-going government’s officials, the LMA is swimming in an alleged pool of campaign money misapplication. Investigation continues.

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