LNBA, JES Engineering Sign Contract To Complete Bar’s Headquarters Project


The Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) has signed an agreement with JES General Engineering for the completion of the construction of the first floor of the bar’s headquarters, located in Tower Hill, Margibi County.

   The signing ceremony was held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at the LNBA office, Ashmun Street, in the presence of officials of the LNBA, JES General Engineering and the media.

   The contract is valued at US$211,146 (two hundred eleven thousand one hundred and forty-six United States dollars), with a duration of eight (8) months.

   Speaking during the signing ceremony, the head of JES General Engineering, Joseph, expressed appreciation to the LNBA for affording a Liberian-owned company to carry out such a project, and vowed to deliver within the timeframe. He described the LNBA as a prestigious organization, noting that being contracted by the bar adds up to their wealth of experience and morale, and maintained that they will live up to expectation.

   Also speaking, the President of the LNBA, Cllr. Sylvester Rennie, disclosed that from the unset of the project, the LNBA has strived to Liberianize the project, disclosing that the project was previously implemented by GeoSkope Limited. Cllr. Rennie pointed out that, because the company performed below expectation and went beyond the duration of the project, the bar saw the need to terminate the contract with them and find a more competent and reliable entity to complete the project.

   The LNBA President expressed hope that JES Engineering will live up to their expectation, as the project is a lifeline of his administration and the bar in general.

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