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LNBA Secretary General Questions Lawmakers’ Ability

The Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA), through its National Secretary General, Cllr. Bornor M. Varmah,has questioned the lawmaking abilities of lawmakers up Capitol Hill whom he believes continue to make conflicting laws at the legislative branch of government.

  Cllr. Varmah, speaking Monday, March 18, 2024 at the program marking the formal opening of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court for Montserrado County, said the bar seeks to work with the Legislative Branch, which has the lawmaking authority to do a lot more.

  “We observed over the years that the process of lawmaking has become questionable by the fact that there is conflict of law,” the Liberia National Bar Association Secretary General stated. 

  He further said, “The Supreme Court has said the authority that the Legislature has to make law cannot be question by anyone, and so if that authority cannot be questioned then the people who consumed the law must be involved in the lawmaking process. And because the people are not involved that is why we see conflict of law. Meaning the Legislature will make law that conflict with existing laws.”

  Cllr. Varmah also blamed the government for the severe decline in the rule of law in the country.

  He said it will take the collective contributions of the Executive, Judiciary and Legislature to do the needful in ensuring that there is productivity and efficiency on the part of the Judiciary.

  The LNBA executive expressed concern about the constant issue of corruption in the Judiciary, noting that the only way to address this issue is to have a consultative meeting with justice actors and the Executive branch of government to see how corruption can be eradicate or minimize at the Judiciary.

  Cllr. Varmah praised judges of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court for Montserrado County for been very efficient and productive in dispensing the law without fear or favor within the Judiciary.

  Judge Golda A. Bonah Elliott of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Civil Law Court for Montserrado County, delivering her opening address for the March A.D. 2024 Term said during December A. D. 2023 Term there were three hundred and fifty (350) hearings in matters pending before the court.

  According to her, most of these hearings centered upon the disposition of law issues, motion for investigative survey, and Divorce and its related matters, child custody and summary proceedings against Magistrates.

  Judge Elliott admonished lawyers to file their legal memorandum for the disposition of law issues and do the filing before the date of the hearing. 

  She noted that this will enable the court to make determination on the law issues on the day of the hearing,instead of postponing any ruling for a subsequent date.

  The Judge recounted that at the opening of the December A. D. 2023 term of the court she promised to dispense justice in an expeditious and fair manner, in ensuring that the rights of litigants are timely adjudicated, as required by the Constitution.

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