LNP Forwards Man, 40, To Court For Multiple Crimes

LNP Inspector General, Col. Patrick Sudue

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has arrested, investigated, charged and forwarded to the Monrovia City Court a 40-year-old man for multiple crimes, ranging from criminal conspiracy, criminal facilitation to terroristic threat.

   Suspect Eugene David was arrested on August 12, 2020 based on a complaint filed by Herbie McCauley, Managing Director of the National Transit Authority (NTA) of alleged terroristic threat.

   During police preliminary probe, it was established that suspect Eugene David planned to burn the complainant’s house in his compound and terminate his life.

    It was further established that suspect Eugene David is a dismissed employee of NTA who, out of dissatisfaction, decided to contact another employee, James Kawah, who was also suspended for time-indefinite, to assist him in the execution of his plan against complainant McCauley. However, James Kawah noticed that the alleged plan was criminal and he did not support it; he therefore contacted the complainant, Herbie McCauley, Managing Director of the NTA.

   In view of the foregoing, facts and circumstances, couple with eye-witness account, the police investigation has resolved to charge suspect Eugene David with the commission of the crimes of criminal conspiracy, criminal facilitation and terroristic threat, which is in violation of Chapter 10 Section 10.4, section 10.2 and Chapter 14 Section 14.24 of the Revised Panel Law of the Republic of Liberia. Suspect David has been forwarded to court for prosecution.

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