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L-R: Varney Dahn and Lucia Kortee

Man Attempts Killing Girlfriend for Abandoning Relationship

A 40-year-old woman, Lucia Kortee, nearly met her untimely death on May 19, 2023 when her boyfriend, attempted killing her for quitting a 10-year relationship.

   “He rubbed the knife on my neck for the first time. I thought he was joking. ‘That for relationship you killing me? See my children, they are very small, small,’” Kortee said she told her boyfriend, Varney Dahn, who was cutting her throat bit by bit. “’I beg you, don’t kill me. We will discuss it another time for the second time,’” she said she pleaded with him.

   According to her, she and Dahn have been cohabiting for 10 years, but she realized that he is not serious and promiscuous. She explained that he is a commercial driver who runs traffic in Maryland and Sinoe counties, and some time Montserrado County and its environs.

  She stated that to abandon the relationship had been her song, and doing so before entering 2023.

   “No understanding at all. Before entering 2023, I told him, ‘My man, you in hot zone. I will not take it from you like before because I am not taken care of as a woman in the home based on your different movements,’” she said. “So it created problem.”

   Dahn met her with a child and she bore him one also, making it two children, but she said he lacks fatherly characteristics.   

   “This is a man that don’t know how child or children go to school,” she informed the Hot Pepper.

  For this year’s school fee for his kid, she said he does not know how much is the registration, and that she has been doing it by herself.

   She alleged that the two children’s tuition came to L$60,000, and he paid only L$9,000 before he attempted killing her last month. She said when she approached him about the balance tuition, US$105.00, he protested saying that he was only responsible for his child and not the one he met with her.    

   “He refused to pay my outside child’s school fee, and I said, ‘Since you have brought separation, where I stop let it go against my son.’ He said no, he can’t pay money,” she stated. “Then I told him that I don’t want the relationship because it has gone ten years, doing nothing, no improvement, no plan, no goals, and no future.”

   However, still wanting to put him on par with other relationships, she instructed him to open an account and be banking the money after making report, but he secretly opened his personal account without her knowledge and started depositing.       

   “This man left me and opened his own account to Access Bank. He only came and told me, ‘I open my account and deposit my money.’ I said, ‘I don’t have any interest in this relationship because I can’t be in relationship and you doing things on your own,’” she said.

   Owing to her words, she rented an apartment in Telecom community and left him alone, but he located her, claimed the apartment and told her to move. She said she packed off her belongings to leave but he prevented her again and they were there, selling cooked food.

   Early morning of May 19, at about 6:00 p.m., she said Dahn called her for his daughter’s school fee inside the room but she refused to enter the room for the money.

   “I said, ‘Bring it outside, I don’t want to enter your place.’ he persuaded me and I entered and sat in a chair. He came over me with a jacket, but I never knew he had a knife, but the notion was come for your daughter’s school fee. It was soon morning, about 6:00 a.m.; and that man came over me with a knife, to my throat, saying, ‘So you don’t want the relationship?’ I asked him, ‘Which relationship?’”

  “We are not discussing relationship but child’s school fee. The only thing I want from you is, just give me my daughter’s school fee and let it be so.”

   She explained that while the word was in her mouth he rubbed the knife on her neck for the first time. She though it was a joke but as it continued she yelled for help until a lady came to her rescue. She said he dropped the knife, got in his car and left, and since then no one knows his whereabouts but he keeps calling her making threatening remarks.

   “I took the case to zone 5 police station, and they gave me numbers with the officers names that, anywhere I see him I should have them informed so that they can come to my rescue. And since that time I have not seen him,” she continued.

   According to her, the police officers, which should have enforced the perpetrator’s arrest, are now toothless bulldogs, depending on the victim to locate him while they have his number. Therefore, she calling on women groupings and humanitarian organizations to come to her rescue by arresting Dahn.

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