Mayor Norman Receives Rousing Welcome In Bopolu


The Mayor of Bopolu City Corporation, Gbarpolu County, Zinnah Norman, over the weekend received a rousing welcome upon his return to the county.

   Thousands of citizens, including chiefs, elders, youths, motorcyclists, market women and business people mainly from Bopolu and parts adjacent, gathered on the outskirts of Bopolu City and marched with the mayor to the city hall, where an elaborate welcome program was held.

   Recently Mayor Norman travelled to Europe to lobby for developmental and humanitarian supports for the people of Gbarpolu County. Upon his return to the county, the youthful mayor was greeted with huge crowd of citizens who rained praises on him, stating that he has governed with respect, humility and hard work.

   At a well-attended program in Bopolu City, the citizens expressed appreciation and honored Mayor Norman for the numerous developmental initiatives he has continued to undertake, including the installation of street solar lights, construction and rehabilitation of hand pumps, provision of educational facilities and healthcare for pregnant women, baby mothers and children, amongst others. The jubilant citizens pledged their unwavering and unflinching support to the developmental agenda of Mayor Norman, and promised to support him for the representative seat of Bopolu District in 2023.

   Responding to the citizens, Mayor Zinnah Norman disclosed that he secured 700 solar lights and 250 hospital beds from his visit to Italy, and indicated that arrangements are underway for the establishment of a vocational technical school in Bopolu City, Gbarpolu County. He averred that the solar lights will be installed in several towns and villages in order to electrify the streets and provide lights for the people.

   “We have made it our goal to serve you. So, we will always work in your interest. We will continue to lobby with partners to assist the Bopolu City Corporation in undertaking projects that will affect your lives. Apart from the solar lights and hospital beds, we are working hard to make sure that a technical vocational school is opened here to build the skills of the young people. To serve you is our passion. Bringing lights to you, providing quality healthcare for you and making educational opportunities available for the youths are in implementation of the government’s Pro-Poor Agenda,” Mayor Norman told the citizens.

   In conclusion, Mayor Norman expressed gratitude to the citizens for always being supportive of his workings in the county, and vowed to continue working to make Bopolu City an enviable city and improve the living condition of its people. He thanked President George Weah for the opportunity afforded him to serve the People of Gbarpolu County.

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