Min. Kruah Eulogizes PJSL Journalism Graduates of Nimba


The Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, Sr., has eulogized students of the Professional Journalism School of Liberia (PJSL).

   The Professional Journalism School of Liberia (PJSL) is a professional media learning institution that offers tuition-free journalism courses to Liberians across the country. Its Chief Executive Officer is Courage J.C. Mulbah, while Caesar Nyan Slapeh serves as Dean of Student Affairs.

   According to report, the school has branches in Montserrado and Nimba counties, and intends to extend another branch to Grand Bassa County to help improve the quality of media service there.

   A group of journalists from the Nimba chapter of PJSL who graduated on Sunday, March 27, 2022 paid a courtesy call on the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications on Monday, March 29, 2022.

   The Minister, who is also a prominent son of Nimba County, media friendly and a compassionate person, embraced the graduates and encouraged them to do well in their performance.

   “Where you have reached as graduates of a professional media institution, the public will be watching how you perform your professional duties in serving your country. I want to encourage you to remain impartial; don’t insinuate in your news. The manner in which you report on the radio is important to maintain peace and stability in our country,” Minister Kruah advised the graduates.

    He said, “The media plays a very important role in our society and every other society.”

   Meanwhile, Minister Kruah has been nominated by students (journalists) from Montserrado and Nimba counties through their administration as the Most Transforming and Innovative Minister of the Year 2021/2022 for his services to the people of Liberia, mainly the two counties where there are functional postal operations.

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